Trump Makes Dumb Taylor Swift Announcement & His Followers Are Going Bonkers


The latest on the list of things Republicans are boycotting is the music of Taylor Swift. Of course, if that goes as well for her as the GOP’s boycott of Starbucks, Keurig, and Nike, her next album sales are likely to set new records.

Using yet another number scale to rank a woman, Trump responded to Taylor Swift’s public criticism of Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) and endorsement of her 2018 midterm challenger, Democrat Phil Bredesen. Out loud, and in front of people with cameras and microphones, Trump said:

‘Let’s just say that I like Taylor’s music about 25 percent less now.’

The pop singer has never publicly discussed her views on politics, not even during the 2016 presidential elections when a man who bragged that he liked to grab women by the genitals was running. When her senator decided to vote to confirm an alleged attempted rapist to the Supreme Court, Swift was compelled to endorse her challenger and use her massive online platform to encourage her fans to vote Blackburn out.

The singer has her own #MeToo story that played out very publicly after a DJ groped her at a meet and greet and she sued him, and won. On the one-year anniversary of that verdict, Swift told fans during a concert performance:

‘This exact day a year ago, I was not playing a sold out stadium in Tampa. I was in a courtroom in Denver, Colorado. This day a year ago was the day that the jury sided in my favor and said that they believed me,” the 28-year-old told fans. “I just think about all the people that weren’t believed, and the people who haven’t been believed, or the people who are afraid to speak up because they think they won’t be believed.’

Perhaps even more wounded than Trump are conservative men everywhere who, just like Trump, decided to explain politics to Swift or just to dismiss her political views by assuming a young woman isn’t as capable of forming informed opinions as a man. Trump’s assumption was that Swift “doesn’t know anything about her.”

Right-wing media, including Fox News, where Ted Nugent, Gene Simmons, and Hank Williams, Jr. have been frequent guests discussing politics, lashed out Swift, telling her to “shut up and sing.” Charlie Kirk endorsed Kanye West, who recently gave an insane pro-Trump speech on Saturday Night Live the day before he tweeted that the 13th Amendment should be repealed, and then told Swift to “stay out of politics.”

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