Trump Tweets More Hump Day Madness & Gets Mocked So Hard It Hurts


Donald Trump just tweeted that the world is laughing at the U.S. However, they are not laughing at American citizens or ideals. No, they are laughing at POTUS, and here is why.

Trump has become so desperate for Republicans to keep the House, that he has begun flinging controversial acts at the wall to see whether any of them will stick. His latest crazy idea was to kill the 14th Amendment, which allows people from other countries to give birth here, and their child will receive U.S. citizenship.

Trump’s early morning rant started:

‘So-called Birthright Citizenship, which costs our Country billions of dollars and is very unfair to our citizens, will be ended one way or the other. It is not covered by the 14th Amendment because of the words “subject to the jurisdiction thereof.” Many legal scholars agree…..

‘…Harry Reid was right in 1993, before he and the Democrats went insane and started with the Open Borders (which brings massive Crime) “stuff.” Don’t forget the nasty term Anchor Babies. I will keep our Country safe. This case will be settled by the United States Supreme Court!’

‘The World is using our laws to our detriment. They laugh at the Stupidity they see!’

Screen-Shot-2018-10-31-at-9.50.27-AM Trump Tweets More Hump Day Madness & Gets Mocked So Hard It Hurts Corruption Crime DACA Donald Trump Immigration Politics Racism Top Stories

The president actually appears to believe that he could strike down the 14th Amendment with the stroke of his pen on an executive order. Most Constitutional scholars say that would be impossible. Yet, he could take it to the courts.

This was an interesting move on the part of POTUS, because he makes a hauling in his Florida hotel with his program for Russian pregnant women. It has allowed them to give their babies dual citizenship: Russian and U.S. Not only that, Trump’s first and third wives are immigrants from Eastern Europe.

Twitter world went crazy. Check out some of our favorite tweets below:

Screen-Shot-2018-10-31-at-9.52.35-AM Trump Tweets More Hump Day Madness & Gets Mocked So Hard It Hurts Corruption Crime DACA Donald Trump Immigration Politics Racism Top Stories

Screen-Shot-2018-10-31-at-9.52.49-AM Trump Tweets More Hump Day Madness & Gets Mocked So Hard It Hurts Corruption Crime DACA Donald Trump Immigration Politics Racism Top Stories

Screen-Shot-2018-10-31-at-9.57.38-AM Trump Tweets More Hump Day Madness & Gets Mocked So Hard It Hurts Corruption Crime DACA Donald Trump Immigration Politics Racism Top Stories Screen-Shot-2018-10-31-at-9.57.20-AM Trump Tweets More Hump Day Madness & Gets Mocked So Hard It Hurts Corruption Crime DACA Donald Trump Immigration Politics Racism Top Stories


Screen-Shot-2018-10-31-at-9.56.22-AM Trump Tweets More Hump Day Madness & Gets Mocked So Hard It Hurts Corruption Crime DACA Donald Trump Immigration Politics Racism Top Stories

Screen-Shot-2018-10-31-at-9.53.03-AM Trump Tweets More Hump Day Madness & Gets Mocked So Hard It Hurts Corruption Crime DACA Donald Trump Immigration Politics Racism Top Stories

Featured image via a screenshot via Essential(ly Illegal) Consulting’s Twitter page.