Susan Collins Finally Ditches Trump Over Mail In Vote Sabotage


In an attempt to limit voter turnout since high numbers of voters in an election always favors Democrats more than Republicans, Donald Trump has threatened to defund the United States Postal Service and refuses to allow for aid to post offices ahead of the elections to be included in the COVID-19 stimulus release bill.

On Thursday, Susan Collins announced on Twitter that she disagrees with Trump on providing the extra funding and says that the postal system is “essential.” It could not be more essential during a global pandemic that has already left more than 160,000 Americans dead.

Collins writes that the post office is in dire straights due to the policies of Trump and his appointed postmaster general, Louis DeJoy, and that those policies could potentially leave postal workers, which includes a large number of American veterans, out of work.

‘The postal service has projected that it will not be able to make payroll by the first quarter of next year. That’s incredibly serious. I also believe that we should remember that postal workers are frontline workers, they are out there each and every day, delivering the mail, sorting the mail. Being exposed, and they’ve taken a lot of risk in order to keep this essential service going.’

However, it’s difficult to know if Collins will take action or leave the matter with a tweet and a letter. Although she’s spoken out against some of the president’s more extreme policies in the past, she generally toes the party line on big decisions, like Supreme Court justices and impeachment votes.

Twitter isn’t all that trusting of Collins. Read some of their comments below:

Screen-Shot-2020-08-13-at-5.36.01-PM Susan Collins Finally Ditches Trump Over Mail In Vote Sabotage Donald Trump Election 2020 Featured Politics Top Stories Twitter Screen-Shot-2020-08-13-at-5.36.24-PM Susan Collins Finally Ditches Trump Over Mail In Vote Sabotage Donald Trump Election 2020 Featured Politics Top Stories Twitter Screen-Shot-2020-08-13-at-5.36.42-PM Susan Collins Finally Ditches Trump Over Mail In Vote Sabotage Donald Trump Election 2020 Featured Politics Top Stories Twitter Screen-Shot-2020-08-13-at-5.36.55-PM Susan Collins Finally Ditches Trump Over Mail In Vote Sabotage Donald Trump Election 2020 Featured Politics Top Stories Twitter Screen-Shot-2020-08-13-at-5.37.10-PM Susan Collins Finally Ditches Trump Over Mail In Vote Sabotage Donald Trump Election 2020 Featured Politics Top Stories Twitter

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