Ex-Speaker Of The House Says Trump’s Unfit For Power, Accusing Him Of Bucking The Constitution


In a new discussion on Fox News, former GOP Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, who represented a Wisconsin Congressional district, characterized former President Donald Trump as unfit for the presidency.

Trump is, of course, currently vying for that position as he heads towards an expected nomination for this year’s presidential election by the Republican Party next month. The party proceedings are slated to kick off just after Trump’s sentencing in a New York City criminal case in which he was recently convicted on all counts. Prosecutors had accused him of the felony falsification of business records in connection to hush money from before the 2016 presidential election for a woman named Stormy Daniels.

Neither that case, its outcome, nor Trump’s three other criminal cases have significantly shaken his GOP support. Even Nikki Haley, who was the last holdout in the GOP presidential primary this time around in terms of candidates with extensive name recognition, has now stated that she’ll vote for Trump in his expected general election rematch with incumbent Joe Biden.

“I think that character is a really important issue,” Ryan said. “If you put yourself above the Constitution, as he has done, I think that makes you unfit for office. […] I think it really is just character at the end of the day, and the fact that if you’re willing to put yourself above the Constitution — an oath you swear when you take office, federal office. Whether it’s president or a member of Congress, you swear an oath to the Constitution. And if you’re willing to suborn it to yourself, I think that makes you unfit for office.”

Republican institutional alignment with Trump remains fervent to the point that the current Speaker of the House, Louisiana Republican Mike Johnson, showed up to Trump’s recent trial in-person at one point to offer his support.