JUST IN: Congressman Makes Arresting Immigrant Guests At SOTU Announcement


Just when everyone thought the GOP couldn’t be any more deplorable than they have become under Donald Trump  and the alt-right takeover of the party, one Congressman proved today that the depths of their heartlessness can go far lower.

Rep. Paul Gossar (R-AZ) tweeted to his followers that Capitol Police have been contacted and asked to check IDs of everyone attending Trump’s first State of the Union address and dragging those without citizenship, which would include Dreamers whose DACA protections are not yet guaranteed, off to jail.

Gosar’s disgusting move is in response to reports that House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi invited Dreamers to attend the State of the Union as her guests to give those immigrants brought to the country as children who President Obama provided protections to keep them from being tossed out to countries many barely remember.

‘Representative Nancy Pelosi’s guest, Melody Klingenfuss, is just one of them. Born in Guatemala, she was brought to Los Angeles when she was 9, earned a degree in communications and political science from California State University, Los Angeles, a master’s degree from the University of Southern California, then won protection under the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program in 2015.’

In addition to Pelosi, at least 24 other Democrats plan to bring Dreamers and/or sexual assault survivors for President Trump to face.

With support like that by his own party, it’s no wonder that Trump feels comfortable using the lives and safety of 800,000 young people as a bargaining chip for his border wall.

Needless to say, Twitter had a strong reaction to the cruelty behind Gosar’s statement.

2018-01-30-15_37_43-Rep.-Paul-Gosar-DDS-on-Twitter_-_Today-Congressman-Paul-Gosar-contacted-the-U. JUST IN: Congressman Makes Arresting Immigrant Guests At SOTU Announcement Donald Trump Featured Immigration Politics Social Media Top Stories 2018-01-30-15_38_18-Rep.-Paul-Gosar-DDS-on-Twitter_-_Today-Congressman-Paul-Gosar-contacted-the-U. JUST IN: Congressman Makes Arresting Immigrant Guests At SOTU Announcement Donald Trump Featured Immigration Politics Social Media Top Stories 2018-01-30-15_39_04-Rep.-Paul-Gosar-DDS-on-Twitter_-_Today-Congressman-Paul-Gosar-contacted-the-U. JUST IN: Congressman Makes Arresting Immigrant Guests At SOTU Announcement Donald Trump Featured Immigration Politics Social Media Top Stories 2018-01-30-15_39_30-Rep.-Paul-Gosar-DDS-on-Twitter_-_Today-Congressman-Paul-Gosar-contacted-the-U. JUST IN: Congressman Makes Arresting Immigrant Guests At SOTU Announcement Donald Trump Featured Immigration Politics Social Media Top Stories 2018-01-30-15_39_52-Rep.-Paul-Gosar-DDS-on-Twitter_-_Today-Congressman-Paul-Gosar-contacted-the-U. JUST IN: Congressman Makes Arresting Immigrant Guests At SOTU Announcement Donald Trump Featured Immigration Politics Social Media Top Stories 2018-01-30-15_40_43-Rep.-Paul-Gosar-DDS-on-Twitter_-_Today-Congressman-Paul-Gosar-contacted-the-U. JUST IN: Congressman Makes Arresting Immigrant Guests At SOTU Announcement Donald Trump Featured Immigration Politics Social Media Top Stories 2018-01-30-15_41_23-Rep.-Paul-Gosar-DDS-on-Twitter_-_Today-Congressman-Paul-Gosar-contacted-the-U. JUST IN: Congressman Makes Arresting Immigrant Guests At SOTU Announcement Donald Trump Featured Immigration Politics Social Media Top Stories 2018-01-30-15_42_20-Rep.-Paul-Gosar-DDS-on-Twitter_-_Today-Congressman-Paul-Gosar-contacted-the-U. JUST IN: Congressman Makes Arresting Immigrant Guests At SOTU Announcement Donald Trump Featured Immigration Politics Social Media Top Stories

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