Georgia District Attorneys Refusing To Prosecute Women For Abortions


It appears as though the Republicans have seriously overplayed their hand. Never mind that the law making it legal for women to make medical decisions with her doctor privately and without interference from the government has been on the books for nearly 50 years, Georgia legislatures decided to overwrite that rule with abortion bans beginning as early as six weeks gestation, or four weeks after procreation. The backlash has been swift and furious.

Even some district attorneys in Georgia, who know the law, say they will refuse to uphold the Draconian laws. It is likely that the bill will be struck down in federal courts and even possibly before the Supreme Court before it could ever take effect, but these D.A.s are taking a stand.

Local WHAS 11 in Atlanta reports that:

‘District attorneys across metro Atlanta have said they would not prosecute a woman for seeking out an abortion in Georgia under the new “heartbeat” law, which would criminalize abortion after six weeks – when a fetal pulse is detected.’

It isn’t just women they vow to protect, either. One D.A. says he will refuse to prosecute doctors who perform abortions, who are being threatened with up to 99 years in prison for the fully legal and constitutional procedure. In case anyone is keeping score, 99 years is about 99 years longer than the vast majority of rapists, many of whom have caused these unwanted pregnancies, will ever receive as punishment.

‘The Fulton County District Attorney’s Office said it has no plans to prosecute women under the new law. That extends to doctors, nurses and other healthcare providers as well. He intends to follow the Roe v. Wade decision.’

As women all across the country begin a new chapter in the fight for bodily autonomy, these judicial officials stood up like a roll call, vowing to uphold the law and protect the women who would suffer the consequences of it.

‘“DA Howard has no intention of ever prosecuting a woman under this new law,” said Chris Hopper, director of public affairs for the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office.

‘The same is true in Gwinnett County.

“… this office will not be prosecuting any women under the new law as long as I’m District Attorney,” said Gwinnett County District Attorney Danny Porter.’

Featured image via Flickr by Shawn Harquail under a Creative Commons license