Trump Goons Try Having A Press Conference & Get Confronted With ‘Guilty!’ Chants


In the absence of particularly substantial protests on Donald Trump’s behalf from actual everyday folks around his ongoing criminal trial in New York City, the merry-go-round of prominent Republicans making the trek to show their support for the ex-president-turned-criminal defendant continued on Monday. And with members of Congress part of the latest guests yet again, an attempt to stump for Trump outside the courthouse went… poorly.

Anti-Trump protesters showed up. One participant in the demonstration aggressively chanted “Guilty!” as the pro-Trump group tried to speak, and the latter ended up largely inaudible. Another shout seemingly lobbed the accusation that the gathered Trumpers were traitors. There was also whistling, a cowbell, and a large banner displayed on a fence behind the group that deemed them “bootlickers.”

Those actually showing up on Monday for Trump’s trial reportedly included GOP Reps. Eric Burlison (Mo.), Andrew Clyde (Ga.), Mary Miller (Ill.), Keith Self (Texas), and various other Trump allies, like former federal official Kash Patel. Patel is visible in footage from the scene outside the courthouse shared by journalist Jacqueline Sweet. He’s trying desperately to talk over the gathered crowd intent on drowning him out, struggling to be heard. It’s unclear who was even there that wanted to hear what they were saying as opposed to the anti-Trump crowd just massively outnumbering any pro-Trump presence.

Earlier visitors to the Trump trial included GOP Sens. Rick Scott (Fla.), J.D. Vance (Ohio), and Tommy Tuberville (Ala.), alongside Speaker of the House Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.). Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) characterized Johnson’s trip as “debasing.”

“It’s bad enough that he lacks the self-respect that he feels he needs to go and kiss the ring in such a public and debasing way,” Schiff said. “But also, for him to denigrate the justice system — for him to knowingly make the false claim that this trial was designed to keep Trump off the campaign trail. He knows better than that.”