Donald Trump Has ‘Compromised Our National Security,’ Leading Democrat Argues


In a speech at the latest state convention of Wisconsin Democrats, Illinois Democratic Governor J.B. Pritzker, who most recently won another term in the 2022 midterm elections, absolutely excoriated Donald Trump.

The impactful tone of Pritzker’s speech further outlined the road to this November’s presidential election, with Democrats apparently gearing up to add Trump’s recent felony criminal conviction in New York City to what they’re using against him.

“Donald Trump is a convicted felon, an adjudicated rapist, and a congenital liar. He’s a racist, sexist, misogynistic narcissist who wants to use the levers of power to enrich himself and punish anyone who dares speak a word against him,” Pritzker told the Democratic convention crowd. “He has stolen state secrets, compromised our national security, betrayed our Constitution, and sacrificed the truth to further his own naked ambition.”

Trump was actually somewhat at odds with Pritzker while the ex-president was still in power. The Illinois Democrat was one of the governors about whom Trump complained amid the unfolding of the COVID-19 pandemic as protective restrictions — or a lack thereof — became a political flash-point that continues to this day. Another, Michigan Democrat Gretchen Whitmer, also won another term in 2022, easily defeating pro-Trump Republican Tudor Dixon in the general election.

A video of Pritzker’s remarks posted to his official account on X (formerly Twitter) was quickly viewed extensively, reaching some one million views (per the site’s sometimes questioned metrics) in less than a day. (And those views apply to the post specifically, not the video.)

Incumbent President Joe Biden and Trump are heading towards a first debate this month, while Trump has a sentencing in his New York City criminal case on business records charges coming in July. He was meeting with a probation officer on Monday ahead of those authorities providing their own recommendation to the judge for sentencing.