Conspiring To Overturn An Election Is Disqualifying For The Presidency, Majority Says


In new polling from YouGov and Yahoo! News, most U.S. adults agree that “Conspiring to overturn the results of a presidential election” would be disqualifying for the presidency if the accused was convicted. The question mirrors some of ex-President Donald Trump’s current criminal proceedings, including a case at the federal level and another in Georgia.

Specifically, 58 percent said the actions would be disqualifying if established via a criminal conviction. Trump’s federal case is currently awaiting a U.S. Supreme Court decision on his claims of wide-ranging legal protections by mere virtue of once serving in the White House that supposedly should stop the case, while in the Georgia case, lead prosecutor Fani Willis is still facing continued challenges to her continuing in the case at all.

In the federal matter, Trump claims to be broadly protected from possibilities of criminal consequence for actions taken amid his official responsibilities, and that’s where he groups what he was doing after the 2020 presidential election. Taking Trump’s evident ambitions to their end-point, though, would have entailed reversing the collective impact of tens of millions of duly documented votes from across the United States for president.

Meanwhile, Trump was convicted on all counts in his only criminal case to go to trial so far, a New York City case accusing him of the felony falsification of business records. He had a pre-sentencing interview with a probation officer on Monday ahead of those authorities providing recommendations to the judge for Trump’s eventual sentencing. The sentencing is scheduled for next month, just before Republican Party convention proceedings kick off where they’re set to formally make Trump their 2024 nominee.