Trump Makes Stupid 2020 Pronouncement On Twitter & Gets Clowned


President Donald Trump seems very worried about the 2020 elections. As the possible end of his time in the White House gets ever-closer, he unveiled a new talking point on Twitter this weekend — the claim that the right has far more “energy” than the left, whatever on earth he means by that.

He ranted:

‘There is far more ENERGY on the Right than there is on the Left. That’s why we just won the Senate and why we will win big in 2020. The Fake News just doesn’t want to report the facts. Border Security is a big factor. The under construction Wall will stop Gangs, Drugs and Crime!’

Screenshot-2019-02-23-at-1.46.33-PM Trump Makes Stupid 2020 Pronouncement On Twitter & Gets Clowned Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories

To be clear — the Republicans didn’t “win” the Senate so much as they simply held onto their already in-place majority because the seats up for grabs during the most recent elections covered some strongly Republican-leaning areas. Even with the right-leaning map in place, Democrats scored a significant pick-up via Arizona electing Kyrsten Sinema to the U.S. Senate, its first Democratic Senator in decades.

Democrats won a resounding majority in the House in those same elections, picking up some 40 seats and thereby undoing the Republican majority. In the time since, they’ve established their priorities list as including ethics legislation, addressing climate change, and oversight and investigation of the Trump team where appropriate.

In other words, the president’s only presented concrete evidence for his claim that the right has more energy than the left doesn’t support that notion at all.

He claims that the “under construction” southern border wall blocking off Mexico will do wonders for Republican enthusiasm, and while it is true that many Republicans support the wall, it’s not currently under construction at anywhere near the level Trump has claimed — there are simply renovations of already in-place border barriers underway.

Overall, only 39 percent or so of voters support Trump’s push for that wall via a national emergency declaration he recently announced to try and use executive power to get the wall constructed. 51 percent of voters actively oppose the measure, according to recent POLITICO/Morning Consult polling.

In other words, Trump needs new lines if he wants to be re-elected.

Check out Twitter’s response to the president…

Screenshot-2019-02-23-at-1.43.19-PM Trump Makes Stupid 2020 Pronouncement On Twitter & Gets Clowned Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2019-02-23-at-1.43.02-PM Trump Makes Stupid 2020 Pronouncement On Twitter & Gets Clowned Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2019-02-23-at-1.42.40-PM Trump Makes Stupid 2020 Pronouncement On Twitter & Gets Clowned Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2019-02-23-at-1.41.51-PM Trump Makes Stupid 2020 Pronouncement On Twitter & Gets Clowned Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2019-02-23-at-1.41.35-PM Trump Makes Stupid 2020 Pronouncement On Twitter & Gets Clowned Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2019-02-23-at-1.40.45-PM Trump Makes Stupid 2020 Pronouncement On Twitter & Gets Clowned Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories

Screenshot-2019-02-23-at-1.45.29-PM Trump Makes Stupid 2020 Pronouncement On Twitter & Gets Clowned Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories

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