Queen Elizabeth Makes Trump Announcement That Has Liberals Cheering


Although Great Britain has its own political turmoil thanks to a misguided and stunning Brexit vote that now has to be executed in some way, they do not (unlike poor Americans) have to deal with U.S. President Donald Trump. On Tuesday, Queen Elizabeth announced that Trump would be making his first official state visit in June, and Brits are furious.

Prime Minister Teresa May will be meeting with Trump during his visit to discuss plans moving forward on U.K./U.S. relations in the age of political turmoil and Trump’s attacks on U.S. allies. According to Bloomberg, May said:

‘The State Visit is an opportunity to strengthen our already close relationship in areas such as trade, investment, security and defense, and to discuss how we can build on these ties in the years ahead. We must continue to stand together to uphold our shared values and way of life.’

Trump’s first visit to the U.K., which was not a state visit, did not go well. Either he was briefed on protocol and tradition regarding meetings with the Queen and chose to ignore him or, once again, his incompetant staff failed to do their research and attempt to reign Trump in. The U.S. president showed up late, walked in front of the Queen as cameras caught his gaffe, and failed to even offer his arm for the 93-year-old monarch to lean on during their stroll.

Despite Trump’s massive failings, the U.K. is willing to give him another try.

‘Trump and May will hold talks in London and take part in an event to mark the 75th anniversary of D-Day, which saw massive allied landings in mainland Europe in one of the turning points of World War II. The two leaders will travel to Portsmouth for the commemoration, which will feature a fly-past and a gathering of Royal Navy warships.’

The people of England, however, are not as willing. During Trump’s last visit, the city of London had to be avoided to prevent a tantrum by the orange man-baby who now occupies the White House. Massive protests of his presence in England were held in London’s streets and the “Trump Baby” balloon flew high for all to see.

‘Trump’s visit to the U.K. last July was quietly downgraded from a state visit, but that didn’t stop the protests. They included a helium-filled caricature of the president known as the Trump Baby. He didn’t visit Parliament and was forced to move around the country by helicopter.’

For her part, May will suffer through the drudgeries, frustrations, and insults that come with a Trump meeting. Considering that she already has a lot on her plate with Brexit, meeting with a president who’s been quick to taunt and disparage her on Twitter is most likely not the most pleasant prospect on her horizon.

‘Relations between Trump and May have been fraught. Despite being the first world leader to visit him at the White House, the two have never enjoyed a close rapport. He regards her as a bossy schoolmistress; she finds it hard to get a word in on their trans-Atlantic phone calls…The president has [also] repeatedly angered Britons, including by re-tweeting propaganda from a far-right British anti-Muslim group and criticizing London’s response to terrorist attacks.’

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