Pelosi Decimates Trump With Impeachment Speech On House Floor


This Thursday, House Democrats set a vote on a resolution formally authorizing the impeachment inquiry they’ve been developing in recent weeks. They’ve already heard from numerous key witnesses, but this resolution will establish procedures for going forward with inquiry features like public hearings. Ahead of the vote on the resolution, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) took the floor of the House to insist on the not just legitimacy but utmost importance of the impeachment inquiry. As she explained it, the basic functioning of American government is at stake.

Describing the “genius of the Constitution” in establishing a separation of powers between the three branches of the federal government, Pelosi insisted:

‘It is to that which we take our oath of office. We gather here on opening day with our families gathered around to proudly raise our hand to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, and that is exactly what we are doing today… This is a solemn occasion… I doubt anybody in this place… comes to Congress to take the oath of office, comes to Congress to impeach the president of the United States unless his actions are jeopardizing honoring our oath of office.’

And that’s exactly what Trump is doing. Although there are many examples of Trump’s actual behavior that exemplify his campaign to use government power for his personal benefit, his overall stance is exemplified well by something he told a national summit of the conservative advocacy organization Turning Point USA earlier this year. At their event, he insisted that Article II of the Constitution gives him the power to “do whatever I want as president” — but that’s simply not true. It’s a brazen lie.

Pelosi shared:

‘I don’t know why the Republicans are afraid of the truth. Every member should support allowing the American people to hear the facts for themselves… That is really what this vote is about — it’s about the truth. And what is at stake? What is at stake in all of this is nothing less than our democracy… This Constitution is the blueprint for our Republic, and not a monarchy. But when we have a president who says Article II says I can do whatever I want, that is in defiance of the separation of powers. That’s not what our Constitution says… What are we fighting for? Defending our democracy for the people.’

Although prior to Thursday’s vote on formalizing procedures for going forward in the impeachment inquiry, Republicans had made up the lie that the probe wasn’t valid because of no formal vote, now they’re still finding excuses to try and dismiss the probe. In reality, as Pelosi noted, the procedures that the Democratic majority has and will follow ensure the rights of the minority party to question witnesses and participate in other procedures just like the majority party.

There is no conspiracy against the “due process” rights of Trump, Republicans, or anyone else. There’s just a president who adamantly refuses to lay off the crimes, even as the weak grip on power he already has implodes around him.