Jimmy Carter Brain Surgery Update Sends People Into A Panic


President Jimmy Carter is the longest-living president in the history of the United States. The 95-year-old beat melanoma that had spread to his liver and his brain. Earlier this year, he had a hip replacement. Then, he fell twice recently. As a result, President Carter ended up back in the hospital.

Naturally, people thought the worst when seeing Carter in the headlines again so soon after surgery, but their fears were quickly extinguished when The Carter Center released a statement today with good news.

In one of his falls, as he prepared for turkey hunting, he broke his hip. He also fell twice more in October. As a result of one of those falls, there was a slow blood leak that ended up putting pressure on his brain, so he had surgery to drain that fluid.

If it was a small leak, the neurosurgeon would just have drained the blood trapped between his brain and his skull by drilling a small hole and inserting a tube. If the bleed was more substantial, the surgeon would have to have removed a portion of the president’s skull and extract the large blood clots.

The Carter Center spokesperson Deanna Congileo released a statement about the status of the president’s condition. She said that there were no complications after his subdural hematoma surgery.

Coniglio added that President Carter would remain hospitalized “as long as advisable” under observation.

‘President and Mrs. Carter thanks everyone for the many well-wishes they have received.’

President Carter’s paster said that he is already “up and walking” after just a day after brain surgery. Reverend Tony Lowden of Maranatha Baptist Church went to visit the president and spoke to reporters afterward. He said the patient was in good spirits.

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter was admitted to Emory University Hospital this evening for a procedure to relieve pressure on his brain caused by bleeding due to his recent falls. The procedure is schedule for tomorrow morning. President Carter is resting comfortably, and his wife, Rosalynn, is with him:

Screen-Shot-2019-11-14-at-9.03.05-AM Jimmy Carter Brain Surgery Update Sends People Into A Panic Domestic Policy Featured Healthcare History Politics Religion Top Stories

Carter said that after he found out he had cancer in 2015, he “assumed, naturally, that I was going to die very quickly:”

‘I, obviously, prayed about it. I didn’t ask God to let me live, but I just asked God to give me a proper attitude toward death. And I found that I was absolutely and completely at ease with death. It didn’t really matter to me whether I died or lived. I have, since that time, been absolutely confident that my Christian faith includes complete confidence in life after death. So, I’m going to live again after I die — Don’t know what form I’ll take, or anything.’

President Carter fell in his home on October 6 of this year, hitting his head. His injury required 14 stitches. He still went to Nashville, Tennessee black eye and all, to do carpentry work on a Habitat for Humanity home.

On October 21, he fell and fractured his pelvis. He was hospitalized briefly after that fall for observation.

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The Mueller Report Adventures: In Bite-Sizes on this Facebook page. These quick, two-minute reads interpret the report in normal English for busy people. Mueller Bite-Sizes uncovers what is essentially a compelling spy mystery. Interestingly enough, Mueller Bite-Sizes can be read in any order.