Mick Mulvaney Publicly Embarrassed After Weekend Image Goes Viral


The Trump administration did not exactly help their ongoing public image problem when, after returning from an abrupt trip to Afghanistan this past week, White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney appeared in a polo brightly emblazoned with stars and stripes and a hat touting the Space Force addition to the U.S. military that Trump has long promised. (Apparently, the hat is a piece of Trump campaign merch.) Topping the look off, he didn’t exactly look too happy — almost as if he was resigning himself to the fate of mockery that he realized awaited him considering his get-up and the press photographers off to the side. Many Twitter users chimed in with mocking suggestions of what Mulvaney looked like.

As watchdog official Robert Maguire added:

‘Mick Mulvaney looks like a Fred Armisen character in a sketch about a guy who just realized he’s no longer the coolest guy at the annual Ayn Rand diorama convention’

Poor Mulvaney. No one likes the obscure conservative extremism as much as he does.

mulv Mick Mulvaney Publicly Embarrassed After Weekend Image Goes Viral Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories

Another Twitter user added:

‘Mick Mulvaney looks like he’s starring in a Disney+ movie about a 10-year-old who accidentally becomes president.’

mul Mick Mulvaney Publicly Embarrassed After Weekend Image Goes Viral Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories

The sentiment certainly isn’t out of place — no matter how feverishly they claim that he’s doing a great job anyway, Donald Trump did not have a single second of experience in public service when he became president. Based on the way he’s been acting in office, he doesn’t seem intent on accumulating any of that public service experience anytime soon, either.

Check out Twitter’s response to Mulvaney’s look below. The mockery seems fitting for someone who outright admitted to a quid pro quo targeting Ukraine, even if he eventually backtracked.

mi12 Mick Mulvaney Publicly Embarrassed After Weekend Image Goes Viral Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories mi6 Mick Mulvaney Publicly Embarrassed After Weekend Image Goes Viral Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories