Ex-GOP Official Pulls Out Historic Christmas Eve Trump Rebuke


This fall The Atlantic magazine published a stunning article entitled Top Military Officers Unload on Trump by Mark Bowden. He writes for the magazine and authored several books including Black Hawk Down. His article inspired former Michigan Representative Dave Trott (R) to respond with a powerful letter-to-the-editor in the most recent edition.

Trott’s response in The Atlantic to Bowden’s article? He said it was “frightening.” Why? He explained:

‘Frightening. That is the only word to describe Mark Bowden’s article. President Trump’s inability or unwillingness to follow normal decision-making protocols has created chaos in our foreign policy and put our country at risk.’

Screen-Shot-2019-12-24-at-4.07.46-PM Ex-GOP Official Pulls Out Historic Christmas Eve Trump Rebuke Donald Trump Featured Military Politics Top Stories

Trott said that the commander-in-chief was unfit for office. The former congressman added that now he needed to seriously consider “voting for a Democrat:”

‘The article also helped me with respect to the 2020 election. I had been flummoxed. I will now have to consider voting for a Democrat.’

The Republican called the president:

“[P]sychologically, morally, intellectually, and emotionally unfit for office. We can only hope Congress impeaches and removes him so we have a choice between two adults in 2020.’

Sunday, Trott condemned the president when he talked to The New York Times newspaper. He said that he had been worried about Trump and expressed that behind closed doors. A colleague warned him that he should ready himself for “the barrage of tweets.

Screen-Shot-2019-12-24-at-4.06.34-PM Ex-GOP Official Pulls Out Historic Christmas Eve Trump Rebuke Donald Trump Featured Military Politics Top Stories

Trott decided not to run in the 2018 election, and the seat went to Democratic Representative Haley Stevens. The former representative said that should he have still been in Congress and talking against POTUS, Trump would have forced the House’s Republican leaders to “punish him.”

He said that he was not the only Republican to talk against Trump, but probably there were no others who would speak out against the president.

Fortunately, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is not afraid of anything. She reiterated that recently.

The House passed articles of impeachment weeks ago pretty much along party lines. There was not one Republican with the courage to vote for Trump’s impeachment. The Republican Representative Justin Amash (I-MI) retired from the party and became an independent. That has given him the freedom to speak out against the man who occasionally sits in the Oval Office. He voted for this president’s impeachment.

Perhaps, the Republicans who fear Trump will follow in Lott’s footsteps and out of the frightening ashes rise to create a better and more powerful party.

POTUS thinks he will be acquitted when the articles of impeachment go through the Senate. Some of the senators do condemn Trump. Yet, there is still not  the two-thirds vote necessary to remove him from office. Thus far, not one Senator has endorsed removing 45.

Screen-Shot-2019-12-24-at-4.07.22-PM Ex-GOP Official Pulls Out Historic Christmas Eve Trump Rebuke Donald Trump Featured Military Politics Top Stories

People tend to believe that military officers swear to obey the commander-in-chief, but that is wrong. The only oath they take is to defend the United States’ Constitution:

‘I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.’

That means the military does not have to obey a leader who breaks the tenants of the remarkable Constitution born of our forefathers’ genius.

The Mueller Report Adventures: In Bite-Sizes on this Facebook page. These quick, two-minute reads interpret the report in normal English for busy people. Mueller Bite-Sizes uncovers what is essentially a compelling spy mystery. Interestingly enough, Mueller Bite-Sizes can be read in any order.