Trump Calls Himself A King In Weekend Twitter Outburst


President Donald Trump’s egomania seemingly knows no bounds — he’s leading the U.S. into only further and further chaos in the name of trying to make himself look good, it seems. This Saturday morning in one of his latest petulant Twitter outbursts, he seemed to take the title of “King” for himself — not an exaggeration. Although it’s outlandishly extreme and ridiculous for Trump to assert that title (and a subsequent quest for, uh, revenge against his enemies, which he also talked about), it actually squares up pretty closely with his already documented behavior. He’s repeatedly lied that Article 2 of the Constitution gives him the power to do whatever he wants.

This time, he tweeted:

‘“Ralph Waldo Emerson seemed to foresee the lesson of the Senate Impeachment Trial of President Trump. ‘When you strike at the King, Emerson famously said, “you must kill him.’ Mr. Trump’s foes struck at him but did not take him down. A triumphant Mr.Trump emerges from the biggest test of his presidency emboldened, ready to claim exoneration, and take his case of grievance, persecution and resentment to the campaign trail.” Peter Baker @nytimes The Greatest Witch Hunt In American History!’

Remember — there have been actual witch hunts in American history, not to mention assassinations of presidents, slavery of black Americans, mass murder of Native Americans, and a whole host of other calamities. None of that matters to Trump — to him, facing an investigation in response to his duly documented behavior is the worst “witch hunt” calamity in U.S. history. He also freely (and ridiculously) claims that he was “persecuted.”

This Saturday morning, he also tweeted an apparent, uh, fart joke, railed against a so-called “antifa bully,” and criticized former FBI official Andrew McCabe, the federal investigation of whom got closed just this week. Trump wants everyone to think that — no matter that closure — McCabe is still guilty.

Screenshot-2020-02-15-at-9.52.35-AM Trump Calls Himself A King In Weekend Twitter Outburst Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories

Check out Twitter’s response below…

Screenshot-2020-02-15-at-9.51.13-AM Trump Calls Himself A King In Weekend Twitter Outburst Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-02-15-at-9.51.03-AM Trump Calls Himself A King In Weekend Twitter Outburst Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-02-15-at-9.50.49-AM Trump Calls Himself A King In Weekend Twitter Outburst Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-02-15-at-9.50.37-AM Trump Calls Himself A King In Weekend Twitter Outburst Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-02-15-at-9.50.19-AM Trump Calls Himself A King In Weekend Twitter Outburst Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories