Pelosi Pulls Off Sly Move To Stop Discriminatory Trump Law


Policies are not typically passed on Twitter, but America currently doesn’t have a typical president. Instead, we have one who’ll gladly take the long and hard-fought-for rights of American citizens away with glee if it impresses his Twitter followers. From this, the ban on transgender soldiers in the military was born under Donald Trump.

On Thursday, House Democrats undermined that ban by including an amendment to a defense spending bill that disallows funding for Trump’s transgender ban. The amendment was spearheaded by Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA).

According to POLITICO:

‘Lawmakers adopted by voice vote an amendment offered by Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.) that would block funding for the Pentagon’s latest transgender troop policy, which went into effect in April 2019.

‘The measure was included in a package of three dozen Democratic amendments to the six-bill, $1.3 trillion spending measure the House is expected to pass on Friday. The measure includes the annual defense funding bill.

‘Republicans opposed the amendment package, but didn’t demand a roll call vote.’

Trump’s policy ideas are never well thought-out, but his ban on transgender soldiers in the military has been particularly haphazard and cruel. Rules demanding that anyone perform gender in the way that social dictates demand lack reason and are no more than discriminatory efforts to further abuse a population that already suffers violence and discrimination more than any other group of Americans.

‘The new policy requires troops diagnosed with gender dysphoria to serve in their biological sex. It also prohibits people with a history of gender dysphoria from joining the military unless they’ve been medically stable in their biological sex for 36 months and haven’t transitioned. The policy grandfathered in troops who were serving openly before the new rules went into effect.

‘”I think people recognize that this issue is cooked,” Speier, who chairs the House Armed Services Personnel Subcommittee, said of the policy in an interview with POLITICO in May. “What we did was just so wrong on so many levels.”‘

In light of the recent Supreme Court decision that makes it illegal to fire someone from their place of employment based on their sexual or gender identity, the policy announced by Trump on Twitter in 2017 should be easy to controvert. In the meantime, however, Democrats continue to fight with policies meant to curb Trump’s powers to harm.

‘The same amendment package includes a proposal from Rep. Veronica Escobar (D-Texas) that blocks funding for the military to be used “in contravention of the First Amendment.” Escobar’s amendment is the latest effort by Democrats to rein in Trump after he threatened in June to use active-duty troops against protesters.’

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