Lindsey Graham Desperately Grovels For Cash During Fox News Debacle


Groveling beneath Donald Trump’s table for crumbs has not worked out so well for Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC). It appears that Americans like a senator who represents them instead of pledging their vote to Trump’s autocracy. POTUS enjoys a good fight, so Graham did his best snarling squirrel imitation as he swept in a Supreme Court (SCOTUS) Justice Brett Kavanaugh who was accused of attempted rape by a very credible witness. Kavanaugh does a good snarling weasel, too.

Voters want someone who keeps his and her words, but Graham has managed to play both sides of the coin in installing stolen Supreme Court justices. He just assumes the South Carolina voters are stupid.

The good people of South Carolina know the senator threw over his good friend, the superhero Senator John McCain, in a hot minute. He licked Trump’s shoes as the president said he liked soldiers who were not caught.

POTUS considers the man who spent five and a half years in a North Vietnamese prison camp “a loser.” McCain even stayed longer than he needed, because he would not leave his men.

When Moscow Mitch McConnell stole President Barack Obama’s appointment to the Supreme Court, Lindsey said, according to The New York Times:

‘Lindsey said he wants us to use his words against him. Ok, done.’

The senator and Moscow Mitch announced that they would fill RBG’s seat even before her body was cold. That was cold. But Trump wants a conservative woman to make his numbers look better and to hand him the election.

Now, this incumbent toady now stands neck-and-neck with his competitor Democratic challenger Jaime Harrison. A recent Quinnipiac University Poll showed the senator and Harrison even at 48 percent among likely voters. A mere three percent of South Carolina voters still have not decided.

Graham thinks the death of the Notorious RBG was his problem in raising funds. No, Lindsey, you may be an incumbent, but your voters do not like you anymore. They think you are odious.

ActBlue raised a record-breaking $91 in the hours after she died, with Harrison being the seventh top donation. People directed $9,164,248 and counting to him by September 22.

The senator said:

‘My opponent will raise almost $100 million in the state of South Carolina. The most money ever spent in the state on a Senate race was by me in 2014 when I spent $13 million. He raised $6 million from the time Justice Ginsburg passed away, within 72 hours and God bless Justice Ginsburg. We’re celebrating her life. I appreciate waiting ’til Saturday to announce her replacement. But I am being killed financially. This money is because they hate my guts.’

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