Election Audit Disproves Trump Fraud Claim In Blow To GOP


An election audit in Windham, New Hampshire, which was launched after a recount discovered a substantive discrepancy between the ballots on hand and reported results, is now approaching its end with no evidence of fraud. Instead, those involved in the Windham audit have concluded that the issues are the result of what one auditor called a “perfect storm” of what Forbes described as “mundane technology issues.” One of the suspected issues is the presence of dust inside machines that scanned votes. Dust doesn’t exactly provide evidence for the grand election-rigging conspiracy that Trump himself has claimed unfolded!

As computer security expert Harri Hursti, who has been serving as one of the auditors, bluntly put it:

‘Nothing today is showing evidence of fraud. Nothing today is showing evidence of digital manipulation of the machines. Right now, it seems to be a case of a perfect storm.’

The conclusion that no fraud was present is in direct contradiction to what Trump himself has said publicly about the New Hampshire issues. As the ex-president put it on his blog:

‘How can the Democrats be allowed to get away with this? It will go down as the Crime of the Century!’

There is no apparent evidence of any “crime” whatsoever. There is no legitimate indication of any election fraud perpetrated by Democrats or anyone else at the scale that would have been required to prove Trump’s conspiracy theories. Now, “Hursti and two other auditors still need to analyze their findings and write up a report,” Forbes notes — but in the meantime, there’s just no legitimate evidence for the kind of nonsense that Trump and his allies have put forward. Trump is still rambling on, though — on Tuesday of this week, for instance, he said on his blog that “our elections are rigged, corrupt, and stolen,” which is just false.