Fighter Plane Shipment To Ukraine Via Poland Approved By US


People have been frustrated as they watch Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy beg our Congress for fighter jets to no avail. Even Ukrainian great-grandmothers have taken up arms to fight the Russians in battle. And now President Zelenskyy warns Russia plans to bomb the city of Odesa.

When he appeared on CBS’s Face the Nation, Secretary of State Antony Blinken was asked about the possibility of Poland sending fighter jets to Ukraine.  He responded:

‘That gets a green-light when asked whether the Polish government, a member of NATO, could send fighter planes to Ukraine. In fact, we’re talking with our Polish friends right now about what we might be able to do to backfill their needs if in fact they choose to provide these fighter jets to the Ukrainians. What can we do? How can we help to make sure that they get something to backfill the planes that they are handing over to the Ukrainians?’

Ukraine’s ambassador to the U.S. Oksana Markarova also appeared on Face the Nation. She, too, said that her country needs fighter jets ASAP:

‘We are working with our American, especially, friends and allies, on the steady supply of all the ammunition and anti-air, anti-tank and planes to be able to effectively defend our country.’

Secretary Blinken also spoke about how sanctions have begun to impact the Russians:

‘The ruble is in freefall (sic). Their stock market’s been shuttered for almost a week. We’re seeing a recession set in in Russia. Consumers aren’t able to buy basic products because companies are fleeing Russia, so it’s having a big impact.’

Still, Blinken noted that Putin is “doubling down and digging in on this aggression against Ukraine:”

‘I think we have to be prepared, unfortunately, tragically, for this to go on for some time.’

Markarova thanked the countries supporting them. Then, she asked them to hurry with more support, because Putin is speeding things up:

‘It’s clear after 11 days that we also need all of us to move faster. Ukraine, she continued, did not provoke an attack from Russia.’

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‘We were not a threat to Russia unless being a peaceful democracy and just peacefully leaving in your own country is a threat. And if it’s so, then it’s not only about Ukraine, then Europe and the whole world is not safe.’

Blinken admired President Zelenskyy’s leadership. But he said that there was a “continuity of government” plan should something happen to him. Putin sent 400 mercenaries to assassinate the Ukrainian president:

‘The Ukrainians have plans in place, that I’m not going to talk about or get into any details on, to make sure that there is what we would call ‘continuity of government’ one way or another. And let me leave it at that.’

The secretary urged people to take heart, because even in a long-term war effort, Ukrainians will win:

‘Winning a battle is not the same thing as winning a war. Taking the city is not the same thing as capturing the hearts and minds of Ukrainians. What they’ve demonstrated with extraordinary courage is that they will not be subjugated to Vladimir Putin’s will and be under Russia’s thumb.’

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‘So whether that takes another week, another month, another year to play out, it will, and I know how this is going to end. But the question is, can we end it sooner rather than later with less suffering going forward? That’s the challenge.’

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In his Zoom call, President Zelenskyy also asked Congress to block Russian exports such as oil and gas, NPR reported.

Featured image is a screenshot via YouTube.

Three White Lions is Gloria Christie’s new serialized book available in episodes on Amazon. Go to Kindle Vella and insert her name. She also writes for the liberal online newspaper The Bipartisan Report. Gloria Christie Report her newsletter for people on the go. Written in her own unique style with a twist of humor in a briefer version of Bipartisan Report. Christie’s Mueller Report Adventures In Bite-Sizes a real-life compelling spy mystery. Find her here on Facebook.