Trump Endorsed David Purdue And His Fundraising Flopped Hard


The former president has promised to put his name behind Republican candidates. Take former Georgia Senator David Perdue (R-GA) who decided to run for his state’s governor role and try to knock sitting Governor Brian Kemp (R) out of his seat. Now, Perdue felt pretty confident of his war chest since he’d raked in the big bucks when he campaigned for senator. But something has gone wrong.

In years gone by, Perdue brought in almost $450,000 from his top 30 individual contributors “to his Senate campaigns in 2014 and 2020,” per the Associated Press. Yet, this time with Trump’s verbal support, his take has been a paltry $26,200 from those same donors and their closest family members. On the other hand, Kemp himself has received over three times as much money from these particular donor families, according to The Associated Press (AP). 

The former chairman of the Georgia Republican Party and Perdue supporter Alec Poitevint had this to say about the discrepancy:

The kind thing to say is maybe the fundraising has not been where he expected.’

Chicago-area transportation logistics company Residco founder and owner Vince Kolber had been a Perdue supporter in Senate campaign cycles, but now he plans to sit on the sidelines until this primary is over. Kolber didn’t find particularly compelling common ground with Trump on the election integrity concerns he’s baselessly touted. Regarding David Perdue:

‘[Republicans] were just mad as hell [about Trump pushing down GOP turnout with his election lies]… I sense that’s softening now… I haven’t heard anybody say, “[Brian Kemp] was just out to lunch” or crazy or anything like that. I think that he’s been well-received for what he tried to do. Trump’s consternation to what happened not withstanding.’

Another donor and Georgia business owner that Perdue might have thought he could count on was the CEO of General Building Maintenance, Sunny Park, who has long given to Georgia Republicans. Although Park gave Kemp $3,750, that was before Perdue publicly announced that he would run for governor. Park said:

‘Until the primary is over, I’m going to remain neutral. I told both, “You go ahead and win and then I’ll be right back with you.”‘

Georgia business owners Chip and Cynthia Howalt handed the former Senator $121,000 and (through one of their companies, it seems) gave $250,000 to an independent committee supporting his run for governor. Perdue commented as follows:

‘We’re going to make sure this thing is well funded. We’re going to get our message out.’

Chip Howalt has insisted that he wouldn’t support so-called “Republicans In Name Only,” otherwise known as RINOs:

‘The only financial support our Family will pull will be from ANY RINO’s (Republicans in name only) complicit in blocking investigations into Voter Fraud and Irregularities (GA had many) and not Objecting to confirm the Biden Electors where practical and advisable to do so.’

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Former Republican senator and current conservative nonprofit head Kelly Loeffler tried to look on the bright side:

‘The left loves to focus on divisions on our side. What voters are focused on is the harsh realities of the liberal politics that are playing out in their lives every day.’

Perdue spokesperson Jenni Sweat noted:

‘We’ll be outraised and outspent, but we won’t be outworked. This is a people versus politicians race, and the silent majority is rising up to reject failed career politicians like Brian Kemp. David Perdue is proud to be supported by a strong network of grassroots conservatives who will propel him to victory in May and November.’

Another example of Trump’s negative impact has been that in spite of his criticism of Representative Liz Cheney (R-WY), donors have been very supportive of her, according to CNN.

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Three White Lions is Gloria Christie’s new serialized book available in episodes on Amazon. Go to Kindle Vella and insert her name. She also writes for the liberal online newspaper The Bipartisan Report. Gloria Christie Report her newsletter for people on the go. Written in her own unique style with a twist of humor in a briefer version of Bipartisan Report. Christie’s Mueller Report Adventures In Bite-Sizes a real-life compelling spy mystery. Find her here on Facebook.