Dominion Recommits To Lawsuits Against Mike Lindell & Newsmax After Fox Case


Although the legal dispute between Dominion Voting Systems and Fox ended, for now, in a financial settlement arrangement that would see the media giant forking over three-quarters of a billion dollars in response to its role in propagating lies about imaginary fraud in the 2020 election and Dominion’s imagined role in it, other cases are continuing.

John Poulos, the CEO at Dominion, addressed the settlement in a new article for The New York Times, writing that despite the widely publicized lack of a mandated retraction or apology from Fox, he still felt the deal to have reached constructive ends, including consequences for the media outlet and progress for individuals at Dominion who’ve been affected by the BS. Poulos has previously emphasized some of the personal impacts seen amid the spread of lies about the 2020 election, a list of outcomes that have included serious and traumatic threats to the safety and lives of individuals involved with Dominion. It’s a consistent theme, considering the targeted harassment to which others, like Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss in Georgia, have also been subjected after claims of imaginary election fraud.

“The settlement we negotiated accomplished two critical goals: allowing our employees and customers to move forward, and hitting Fox where it hurt most — its bank account,” Poulos argued, besides also insisting that the case Dominion had assembled remained strong. He also said he ditched a drafted apology in light of the insincere nature of what Fox would be presenting on the air. “An hour later, when the Fox board approved the wire payment for $787.5 million — one of the largest known defamation settlements in history — Fox acknowledged what we needed it to acknowledge: spreading false claims comes with a huge price tag,” he said.

The others who Dominion is still challenging in court include prominent figures around Trump like Rudy Giuliani and Mike Lindell. “Our settlement with Fox is just one win on a long road,” the CEO argued. “We have six more defamation cases pending: against Mike Lindell and his company, MyPillow; Rudy Giuliani; Sidney Powell; Patrick Byrne; One America News Network; and Newsmax. We will not stop until we hold all parties to full account.” Fox itself is also still facing another defamation lawsuit from another tech firm also implicated in nonsense claims of election fraud, Smartmatic. Read the article from Poulos at this link.