Ex-Army Ranger Tells Boebert She Doesn’t Know What She’s Talking About


Rep. Jason Crow (D-Colo.), a former Army Ranger-turned-member of Congress, called attention to extreme rhetoric from fellow Coloradan Rep. Lauren Boebert (R) this week as she bizarrely accused an agency of the United Nations of supporting the terror group Hamas. She linked to a letter on which she co-signed that, predictably, provided no specific evidence of such allegiances.

“The radical feminists in charge of UN Women are Hamas sympathizers who should be defunded,” Boebert said in a post on X (Twitter) recapping her sentiments. “Instead of standing by the people of Israel, they are actively supporting Hamas terrorists. I submitted a legislative rider to defund these extremists and my request is included in the House SFOPS Approps bill.”

The bill to which she referred is a funding measure for federal areas including the Department of State — since as observers will recall, government funding deadlines are still coming up fast as Republicans desperately struggle to even make someone Speaker this week. Even once that problem is solved, the record of their lengthy failures is clear.

“You have no idea what any of these words even mean,” Crow replied to Boebert’s tirade. “And you barely know what’s happening in Colorado let alone outside it’s borders…”

The letter to which the beleaguered Coloradan added her name accuses that United Nations agency — UN Women — of unfairly singling out Israel, which even if true per whatever standard would apply, does not in any reasonable characterization equate to support for terrorism. The letter also characterizes Palestinian individuals with a broad brush, though they’re also often victimized by the terror groups like Hamas that consistently target Israel.

It’s also worth noting that the claimed concerns from Boebert about women’s rights overseas do not equate with the far-right’s support in the U.S. for strict limits on abortion with barely any exceptions, which could force struggling individuals to have children for which they’re not appropriately prepared because of GOP ambitions to ban what until recently were common medical procedures.