State GOP OUSTS Trump-Backing Leader After Judge Says He Voted Illegally Nine Times


Though, presumably in connection to the length of time since the original developments, he’s apparently not presently facing criminal charges, a Georgia judge has concluded that a now former member of leadership at the state’s Republican Party voted illegally nine times.

It stemmed from a 1990s guilty plea made by the individual — Brian Pritchard — admitting to felony criminal conduct. Judge Lisa Boggs “found that Pritchard was still on probation” when eventually moving to Georgia and concluded he lied in years-old voter registration documents by claiming that he wasn’t “serving a sentence for a felony conviction,” according to The Associated Press. And concurrent with this, Boggs concluded that Pritchard voted illegally nine times in Georgia when these circumstances that should have had some impact on his potential registration process remained active.

Pritchard’s consequences include financial penalties… and the new removal from his past position in the Georgia Republican Party’s leadership as first vice chairman. Pritchard, perhaps predictably, is an avid Trump supporter, and the recap from the Associated Press relayed that he tried tying some of the recent blowback he’s experienced to imagined targeting over his Trump support. “But as I began to ask the tough questions, to challenge the status quo, I found myself facing a barrage of resistance from within,” he apparently said. The share in party leadership opting to eventually push him out was actually a large majority.

Georgia is somewhere that the state of the Republican Party on an organizational level could actually have major impacts for overall Republican prospects in this year’s elections, as Georgia was won only narrowly by Joe Biden in 2020, reversing Trump’s 2016 win. And the states putting Biden over the top reached an electoral college majority that was on the smaller side in historical terms. Every addition counted!