Fox News Called Out For Airing A ‘Doctored’ Clip Of Biden At The White House


Fox News aired what a rapid response team that is part of the Biden re-election campaign called a “doctored” clip of the Democratic incumbent this week.

It showed the current president giving apparent introductory remarks at a White House gathering, and a Fox journalist claimed on the air that Biden “appeared to forget the name of his own DHS chief,” meaning Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas. The clip that Fox aired shows the president hesitating and saying something else before actually naming the official — and they cut it off before Biden named Mayorkas literally seconds later, clearly undermining the point that Fox was trying to push.

“Left: Fox News airing a doctored clip claiming President Biden “appeared to forget” the name of Secretary Mayorkas,” says a corrective post on social media from that Biden campaign group. “Right: The full clip showing President Biden naming Secretary Mayorkas.” It didn’t take that long, either. The additional, non-Fox clip included in the post shows the president naming Mayorkas literally right after the conclusion of the video clip that Fox used.

It’s not the first recent, similar dispute. Right-wing sources also shared a deceptively cropped clip of the president that, as they showed it, appeared to show him just wandering away in a manner that could call his acuity into question. But he wasn’t. He was actually walking towards a skydiver on the ground nearby.

Even Biden and his team have acknowledged and discussed openly that he’s relatively advanced in age, but there’s a difference between that and these claims and insinuations from right-wing sources that the evidence indicates just are not accurate.

Trump, meanwhile, is facing his own competency questions, including after the recent circulation of audio appearing to show him claim that the late celebrity Joan Rivers apparently voted for him, though she actually died in 2014.