JUST IN: Post Child Separation Trump Approval Polls Released; Tantrum Coming In 3…2…1…


Donald Trump tells his supporters to ignore poll numbers because they appeared unable to predict the shock outcome of his 2016 election to the presidency, but he also brags when his poll numbers again. The president actually said to Americans that it is only “negative polls” which are “fake news.”

The most recent Gallup poll is not one Trump will be bragging about during his next rambling rally speech. After a slight bump following his much-touted visit with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, his poll numbers are plunging following the human rights abuses he’s sanctioned and perpetrated against migrant children and their families.

Screenshot-at-Jun-25-16-14-12 JUST IN: Post Child Separation Trump Approval Polls Released; Tantrum Coming In 3...2...1... Donald Trump Featured Politics Top Stories
Image via Gallup

Trump’s numbers have not yet fallen to their lowest point of 35 percent. However, the week of June 18-24, a week filled with news of traumatized children in detention camps and horrified parents deported without a plan for reunification caused a sharp drop that may be further affected as the administration doubles down on these policies and refuses to work to get those children returned to their families.

His disapproval rating rose more sharply than his approval rating fell. A week before, exactly half of all those polled said they disapproved of the job Trump is doing as president. That number has now risen by a full five points to 55. Members of Trump’s administration are certainly feeling that disapproval as they are confronted by angry citizens who demand answers around the cruel policies supported by Trump’s team.

It seems Americans aren’t willing to find common ground with cruelty and complicity with abuse. As the stories of tormented children continue to reach the public, approval will be hard to find.

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