Sacha Baron Cohen Humiliates Former GOP Governor On Camera & It’s Totally Brilliant


Actor Sacha Baron Cohen has done a brilliant job of punking politicians. The beauty of what he does is in the way he peel offs their political doublespeak, reaches down, and pulls out what these so-called representatives of the people believe. His last episode was perfect.

Cohen invited former Arizona governor, Jan Brewer to his show, Who Is America?  In this episode he played his character OMGWhizzBoyOMG, who is a Danish YouTube star who “unboxes” toys.

He voiced a Shopkins toy, saying:

‘I’m Fizzy Fireworks. I do not know how to tie my shoelaces but please can I have a semi-automatic gun? I think I would be very good at shooting people.’

Brewer answered that this toy can, indeed, buy “a certain kind of gun:”

‘Certain machine guns are off-grounds. They ought not to be, though.’

Then, the former governor asked how old the toy was. He answered 21, but with the “mental age” of a three-year-old.

She commented:

‘But the majority of people aren’t mentally ill. And they’re not running around.’

Baron responded he wants to go out and “ethnically cleanse:”

‘I’m not mentally ill, I just want to ethnically cleanse all the limited edition Shopkins.’

Brewer admits:

‘Well, that’s crazy.’

Then, the actor still asked if he could have a “machine gun:”

‘Oh, but can I still buy machine gun please?’

The former governor then gives him permission:

‘Yes, you can.’

Jan Brewer was not the only one who fell into Cohen’s political Venus flytrap. Former, controversial Arizona sheriff, Joe Arpaio, appeared earlier.

Cohen managed to get the former sheriff to say he wouldn’t mind accepting “oral sex from President Trump.” Another politician, former vice president Dick Cheney, showed up and autographed a “waterboard kit” Cohen said he planned on auctioning off on eBay.

Featured image is a screenshot via YouTube.