Trump Tries To Make On-Camera Conference Call & Quickly Spirals Into Complete Hilarity


Donald Trump had such a hard week. There was that Mueller Russia thing, then his former personal attorney Michael Cohen did the flips. Maybe POTUS felt badly that he did not get to flip first. Then, Senator John McCain died, and the president’s aides made him lower the flag. Yet, he showed them. He had it raised in what seemed like record time.

Then, the phone in the Oval Office would not work. Imagine how embarrassing that must have been for the commander-in-chief and wannabe leader of the free world. Here he was trying to change the subject from the heroic, patriotic, and honorable Senator McCain back to his own ruthless, raging, racist self.

Trump was trying to call Mexico’s President Enrique Pena Nieto to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) live. After all, that was “a big deal!” right? Forget Canada, because the Donald is still mad at its leader, Justin Trudeau. Who needs him anyway?

The president of these United States leaned into the speakerphone and said “Enrique?” Nada.

For an entire minute, with the whole nation watching, now that it has gone viral, the telephone spirits forced Trump to wait. Every so often, he leaned in urging the man who will be president of Mexico for a full 10 more days to speak to him:


People in Twitter world have had a lot of fun with it. Check out some of our favorite tweets below:

Screen-Shot-2018-08-27-at-1.19.12-PM Trump Tries To Make On-Camera Conference Call & Quickly Spirals Into Complete Hilarity Donald Trump Foreign Policy Politics Top Stories

Why did this call have to go so badly? Things always go so much better with Trump’s late night calls to Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin.

Screen-Shot-2018-08-27-at-12.55.36-PM Trump Tries To Make On-Camera Conference Call & Quickly Spirals Into Complete Hilarity Donald Trump Foreign Policy Politics Top Stories

Featured image is a screenshot via Bloomberg Twitter page.