Fox News Star Tweets Then Deletes ‘Fake Bombs’ Post That SHOULD Get Him Fired


In Trump World, threats are only real if you want them to be, apparently. That’s why President Donald Trump can routinely make up threats from “fake news” and undocumented immigrants — and why his pal at Fox News Lou Dobbs can feel free to dismiss a spate of recent apparent attempted bomb attacks as “fake bombs.”

In a tweet that was soon deleted, he ranted:

‘Fake News — Fake Bombs. Who could possibly benefit by so much fakery?’

lou-dobbs Fox News Star Tweets Then Deletes 'Fake Bombs' Post That SHOULD Get Him Fired Donald Trump Politics Top Stories

In other words — Dobbs suggests that attempts on the lives of prominent Democrats including Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and others were manufactured in order to benefit them — because that makes sense to someone, somewhere.

In a follow-up post, he elaborated on his position, seeming to indicate that authorities holding back on the contents of the mailed bombs indicates some kind of cover-up that’s part of a plot to tilt the election in Democrats’ favor.

In other words — he’s really, really lost in his fantasy world.

Making matters even worse, he maintains a close relationship with the president to the point of past reports having asserted that Trump sometimes put him on speakerphone during important White House meetings.

At least the president acknowledged the basic facts of the situation, although that’s a really, really low bar that’s been set.

He — and some of his cronies, like press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders — acknowledged the seriousness of the situation but insisted that it’s the victims who are to blame.

Trump asserted Thursday:

‘A very big part of the Anger we see today in our society is caused by the purposely false and inaccurate reporting of the Mainstream Media that I refer to as Fake News.’

Screenshot-2018-10-25-at-10.12.09-AM Fox News Star Tweets Then Deletes 'Fake Bombs' Post That SHOULD Get Him Fired Donald Trump Politics Top Stories

He’s lost, then, in a fantasy world of his own, even if it’s not quite the same shape as Dobbs’s.

In reality, his bloc — including Dobbs — continues to peddle the rhetoric responsible for the bombs, terming the mainstream media the “enemy of the people” and at times, like during a recent presidential rally appearance in Montana, openly condoning violence against the media.

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