Adam Schiff Tweets Defiant Wednesday Afternoon Take-Down Of Donald Trump (IMAGES)


This week, President Donald Trump continued his proud tradition of behaving as though he’s desperately guilty of criminal conspiracy by freaking out over the prospect of continued investigation over the Russia scandal. House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), who the president specifically targeted this Wednesday, made clear in response that he would not be deterred and investigations would proceed.

Schiff shared:

‘I can understand why the idea of meaningful oversight terrifies the President. Several of his close associates are going to jail, others await trial, and criminal investigations continue. We’re going to do our job and won’t be distracted or intimidated by threats or attacks.’

Screenshot-2019-02-06-at-5.18.47-PM Adam Schiff Tweets Defiant Wednesday Afternoon Take-Down Of Donald Trump  (IMAGES) Corruption Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories

As he indicates, six current and former associates of the president have faced criminal charges at this point, and more could easily be on the horizon. Those who’ve so far faced indictment range from former Trump personal lawyer Michael Cohen to Trump adviser Roger Stone. Cohen has sat for some 70 hours of interviews with authorities including Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team, while on the opposite side of the spectrum, Stone has maintained his innocence and decried the FBI’s supposed “Gestapo tactics.”

As Schiff also indicates, there remains significantly more ground to cover. To that end, this Wednesday, his committee unveiled details of the revamped Russia investigation it would be pursuing. This revived version of the probe the previous Republican majority abruptly killed extends to questions of whether the Trump team is or has been improperly connected to foreign interests outside of Russia and whether those connections run through finances, not just dirty politics.

The committee has already taken a significant step in their new investigation via releasing all testimony transcripts to the Department of Justice and Special Counsel Mueller after having previously suggested high-profile witnesses like Donald Trump Jr. could face perjury charges. Mueller has already proven his intent to take lying to Congress seriously, slapping both Cohen and Stone with criminal penalties for attempting to mislead Congressional investigators.

All of the new House Intel Committee developments unfolded the day after Trump used his State of the Union address to compare Democratic oversight efforts to literal war, complaining before a joint session of Congress:

If there is going to be peace and legislation there can not be war and investigation. We must be united at home to defeat our adversaries abroad.’

The next day, he dismissed Schiff as a “political hack” who’s engaging in “presidential harassment” and “trying to build a name for himself.”

Through all of his complaints, he ignored the divisiveness and harassment that he himself pushes just through his public statements, often delivered via Twitter, not to mention his most prized policy proposals like building a wall blocking off the entirety of Mexico.

He can not escape the truth that Schiff is tapping into as fuel for his investigation. He’s the one who along with his associates — and even own son! — engaged in all of the corrupt criminal behavior that’s come under scrutiny, not Schiff or any of the other Democrats.

Check out Twitter’s response to Schiff…

Screenshot-2019-02-06-at-5.17.09-PM Adam Schiff Tweets Defiant Wednesday Afternoon Take-Down Of Donald Trump  (IMAGES) Corruption Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2019-02-06-at-5.16.41-PM Adam Schiff Tweets Defiant Wednesday Afternoon Take-Down Of Donald Trump  (IMAGES) Corruption Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2019-02-06-at-5.16.32-PM Adam Schiff Tweets Defiant Wednesday Afternoon Take-Down Of Donald Trump  (IMAGES) Corruption Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2019-02-06-at-5.16.12-PM Adam Schiff Tweets Defiant Wednesday Afternoon Take-Down Of Donald Trump  (IMAGES) Corruption Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories

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