Trump Erupts Into Unhinged Thursday Afternoon Obama Jealousy Meltdown


If you’re worried about the direction of the United States, rest assured, President Donald Trump is… still tweeting. This Thursday, for some reason, he again melted down in front of the world on Twitter over his health care and immigration policy proposals, unsurprisingly painting his agenda as the only legitimate one and not showing even a hint of openness to negotiation to take the country — and world — forward.

He asserted:

‘The Republican Party will become the Party of Great HealthCare! ObamaCare is a disaster, far too expensive and deductibility ridiculously high – virtually unusable! Moving forward in Courts and Legislatively!’

Screenshot-2019-03-28-at-5.42.15-PM Trump Erupts Into Unhinged Thursday Afternoon Obama Jealousy Meltdown Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories

Trump’s assertion that — to only barely simplify the take — the GOP will save the day comes after the Justice Department argued in court that the entire Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as ObamaCare, should be thrown out. They made the argument in the context of an ongoing court case in Texas, where a Trump-appointed federal judge ruled in favor of a multi-state, GOP-led lawsuit against the years-old health care plan and where the Trump team has now said they will not be arguing in defense of the law.

That will leave millions of people without health coverage, as everything from protections for people with pre-existing conditions to nationwide Medicaid expansion fades into history. The planned upending comes in the absence of any apparent new national health care plan from the GOP outside of hundreds of billions of dollars the Trump administration wants to cut from both Medicare and Medicaid, the latter of which they’d have transferred into a block grant program instead of something that pays as needed along with the institution of work requirements.

Despite these issues, Trump wants us to believe him that the GOP will become known as the part of great health care! Vice President Mike Pence’s chief of staff Marc Short said Trump will put forward a health care plan “this year” — but they’re proceeding with dumping the ACA without another plan even formed in the meantime.

Trump also wants us to trust him on immigration, ranting this Thursday:

‘We have a National Emergency at our Southern Border. The Dems refuse to do what they know is necessary – amend our immigration laws. Would immediately solve the problem! Mexico, with the strongest immigration laws in the World, refuses to help with illegal immigration & drugs!’

Screenshot-2019-03-28-at-5.41.34-PM Trump Erupts Into Unhinged Thursday Afternoon Obama Jealousy Meltdown Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories

Of course the problem is everybody else’s fault. Is that really the level we’re at as a country — hinging national policy on shallow fingerpointing?

Trump signed a national emergency declaration that he’s hoped to use to redirect already appropriated funds for his long-sought southern border wall, and it’s already culminated in $1 billion approved from the Defense Department for some 57 miles of fencing.

In reality, there are no outlandish crime rates associated with either undocumented immigration or the southern border. Trump wants us to trust him that the crime is out there anyway, with nothing to go on but racism.

Check out Twitter’s response below…

Screenshot-2019-03-28-at-5.34.33-PM Trump Erupts Into Unhinged Thursday Afternoon Obama Jealousy Meltdown Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2019-03-28-at-5.34.15-PM Trump Erupts Into Unhinged Thursday Afternoon Obama Jealousy Meltdown Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2019-03-28-at-5.34.00-PM Trump Erupts Into Unhinged Thursday Afternoon Obama Jealousy Meltdown Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2019-03-28-at-5.33.25-PM Trump Erupts Into Unhinged Thursday Afternoon Obama Jealousy Meltdown Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2019-03-28-at-5.33.13-PM Trump Erupts Into Unhinged Thursday Afternoon Obama Jealousy Meltdown Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories

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