Biden Issues Perfect Twitter Response To Trump’s Latest Antics


President Donald Trump continues to try and convince observers that he’s enacting great progress for the United States via his harsh stance towards Mexico, but former Vice President turned Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden is among those not remotely convinced. Biden launched his campaign on a platform of sticking up for America’s workers — scoring an early endorsement from the International Association of Fire Fighters to boost his credentials on that front — and he’s continuing to run his campaign on that idea.

After Trump displayed a single piece of paper at the White House supposedly containing details of a secret agreement his administration struck with Mexico surrounding potential tariffs and undocumented immigration over the southern U.S. border, Biden shared on Twitter:

‘President Trump is bringing his secret one page agreement with Mexico to Iowa. The Iowans being crushed by his tariffs would like to see it.’

Screenshot-2019-06-11-at-4.50.53-PM Biden Issues Perfect Twitter Response To Trump's Latest Antics Donald Trump Economy Election 2020 Politics Social Media Top Stories

Up until recently, 5 percent tariffs on all imports from Mexico had been set to go into effect as a punitive response to continued streams of asylum seekers arriving at the U.S. border. Shortly before those massive import taxes were set to go into effect and would have subsequently begun draining money from the Americans doing the importing, the U.S. and Mexico announced they’d struck a deal including promises from Mexican authorities to build a military presence around their own southern border and to amp up their acceptance of asylum seekers during the periods they wait for their cases to be processed in the U.S.

After media reports suggested essentially the entirety of the agreement had already been set in motion in recent months, Trump came out with the notion that there’s a secret part that hadn’t been immediately publicly revealed. Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard directly denied this claim.

In addition to that issue, there is still a trade war very alive and active involving the U.S. and China that interests like the Iowa farmers Biden mentioned continue to bear the brunt of. Besides those American interests suffering who’re trying to either bring in necessary elements of their business from overseas or buy something from there through another means, China has imposed harsh retaliatory tariffs targeting American agriculture, driving down sales significantly.

In the shadow of these issues, Biden and Trump are both holding rallies in the early voting state of Iowa on Tuesday. Although Biden has yet to win the Democratic presidential nomination, he’s out front in the lion’s share of polls and in polling measuring sentiment surrounding a hypothetical Trump/Biden general election match-up in 2020, the former vice president is around 9 percent ahead.

Check out Twitter’s response below to Biden responding to Trump’s latest tariff antics…

Screenshot-2019-06-11-at-4.50.00-PM Biden Issues Perfect Twitter Response To Trump's Latest Antics Donald Trump Economy Election 2020 Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2019-06-11-at-4.49.41-PM Biden Issues Perfect Twitter Response To Trump's Latest Antics Donald Trump Economy Election 2020 Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2019-06-11-at-4.49.11-PM Biden Issues Perfect Twitter Response To Trump's Latest Antics Donald Trump Economy Election 2020 Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2019-06-11-at-4.48.53-PM Biden Issues Perfect Twitter Response To Trump's Latest Antics Donald Trump Economy Election 2020 Politics Social Media Top Stories

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