Top Republican Pulls Surprise Move On Whistleblower


Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) comes across as a crusty old man who says everything Democratic is wrong. Take for example his support of Justice Brett Kavanaugh during his Supreme Court (SCOTUS) hearing. Still, the Iowa senator can surprise us.

Grassley has been a longtime supporter of whistleblowers. Today, he called for the authorities to protect the whistleblower. This one has claimed that Donald Trump had been trying to get other countries to interfere in American politics. He said let us “hear out” the whistleblower:

‘This person appears to have followed the whistleblower protection laws and ought to be heard out and protected.’

The Buzzfeed News reporter Zoe Tillman tweeted out information about Senator Grassley’s  support for the whistleblower now in protective custody:

‘Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley, a longtime advocate for stronger government whistleblower protections, has a new statement on the Trump-Ukraine call whistleblower: “This person appears to have followed the whistleblower protection laws and ought to be heard out and protected”‘

c095279e-screen-shot-2019-10-01-at-11.23.39-am Top Republican Pulls Surprise Move On Whistleblower Corruption Crime Domestic Policy Donald Trump Election 2020 Featured History Impeachment Investigation National Security Politics Top Stories

The copy of Grassley’s: Statement Regarding Intel Community Whistleblower is below:

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Grassley insisted in a statement released on Tuesday calling for the whistleblower to testify:

‘We should always work to respect whistleblower’s requests for confidentiality. No one should be making judgements (sic) or pronouncements without hearing from the whistleblower first and carefully following up on the facts.’

Grassley warned that “uninformed speculation” can be weaponized into a “partisan weapon.”

Twitter world caught fire. Check out these and see what you think:

961ebb47-screen-shot-2019-10-01-at-11.24.22-am Top Republican Pulls Surprise Move On Whistleblower Corruption Crime Domestic Policy Donald Trump Election 2020 Featured History Impeachment Investigation National Security Politics Top Stories bf41c6ac-screen-shot-2019-10-01-at-11.24.46-am Top Republican Pulls Surprise Move On Whistleblower Corruption Crime Domestic Policy Donald Trump Election 2020 Featured History Impeachment Investigation National Security Politics Top Stories 6b6e9a4f-screen-shot-2019-10-01-at-11.25.02-am Top Republican Pulls Surprise Move On Whistleblower Corruption Crime Domestic Policy Donald Trump Election 2020 Featured History Impeachment Investigation National Security Politics Top Stories afdffa84-screen-shot-2019-10-01-at-11.25.19-am Top Republican Pulls Surprise Move On Whistleblower Corruption Crime Domestic Policy Donald Trump Election 2020 Featured History Impeachment Investigation National Security Politics Top Stories

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