Anne Frank’s Stepsister Says Trump Is Acting Like Hitler


Behind the cloud of his brazen foreign corruption highlighted by the impeachment proceedings, President Donald Trump has continued to push his racist agenda. Just recently, while his rich friends build their wealth with boosts like the tax cuts that he signed into law, his administration won a temporary approval from the U.S. Supreme Court to “screen out green card applicants seen as being at risk of becoming “public charges,” meaning reliant at least in part upon government assistance to get by. (No mention of the many native-born Americans subsisting just fine with government assistance like Medicare.) In a piece in Newsweek, Eva Schloss, who is the stepsister of the well known Holocaust victim Anne Frank, says that Trump acts like Adolf Hitler, who led Germany’s Nazi regime.

For many of his policies like the denials of refuge to those who might need public assistance, the president’s going on nothing but the color of his targets’ skin. Immigrants pay taxes just like everybody else, and employed but undocumented immigrants even pay those taxes without eligibility for the majority of government assistance programs. That doesn’t even cover the complete lack of evidence for his claims that undocumented immigrants pose some kind of special security threat to the United States.

Schloss commented, discussing Trump:

‘I think he is acting like another Hitler by inciting racism. During his U.S. presidential campaign he has suggested the “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States,” as well as pledging to build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico to keep illegal immigrants out… The situation today is worse than it was under Hitler because at that time all the Allies—the U.S., Russia and Britain—worked together to combat the terrible threat of Nazisim. If we don’t work together, the world will never be able to resolve the threats it faces today.’

She adds that she remembers the global outcry against the Berlin wall that separated Soviet-controlled post-war Berlin from the free side, and yet, just decades later, a president has risen to power in part on the high-profile promise to put up another wall.

Schloss also pointedly notes how Anne Frank’s father tried to get visas for his family to come to the United States in the 1940s, but he was denied access, along with many other people who also ended up victims of the Holocaust. Denials are piling up again today under Trump.

This November, there’s a chance to get Trump out of office. His latest push against vulnerable immigrants has attracted condemnation from figures like Senator and presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, who commented:

‘Our immigration system must live up to our ideals as a nation. Unlike Trump, we will welcome refugees and those seeking asylum, including those displaced by climate change.’

That is truly the opposite of Trump’s own behavior, which, it’s worth noting, is enabled by the Republican leaders like those Senators who are working for a cover-up during his ongoing impeachment trial, where Democrats have been trying to secure witness testimony.