Pelosi Powerfully Denounces Trump For Firing Vindman


No matter any of the pompous self-righteousness from his Republican supporters, this week, President Donald Trump apparently jumped at the chance to retaliate against his political opponents. He fired two key witnesses in the impeachment proceedings, who’d been serving as administration officials when they testified against him. That duo includes then-E.U. Ambassador Gordon Sondland and the now former National Security Council official Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, who was apparently transferred out of the White House to a job with the Army. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) promptly publicly denounced Trump’s brazen attempt at politically expedient retaliation.

Referring to Vindman as “an American patriot” and insisting that “History will remember Lieutenant Colonel Vindman as an American hero,” Pelosi also shared:

‘His brave testimony showed America that right still matters. President Trump is impeached forever.  The shameful firing of Colonel Vindman was a clear and brazen act of retaliation that showcases the President’s fear of the truth.  The President’s vindictiveness is precisely what led Republican Senators to be accomplices to his cover-up.  The firing of this patriotic soldier is a sad and shameless loss for America’s security.’

Democrats have personally confronted Republican Senators over their role in the cover-up already. While presenting during the since concluded Senate impeachment trial of the president, case co-manager and House Judiciary Committer chair Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) denounced Republicans for participating in a “cover-up” via voting against hearing from witnesses during the trial.

Republicans complained after that remark from Nadler, as they did after fellow case manager and House Intel Committee chair Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) brought up reporting claiming that the White House told Republicans that they’d have their “head on a pike” if they voted against the president. Yet, with Vindman’s firing, this reporting about White House plans for retaliation has proven to be exactly on point. Trump even reassigned Vindman’s brother, too!

Check out Twitter’s response to Pelosi…

Screenshot-2020-02-08-at-9.43.20-AM Pelosi Powerfully Denounces Trump For Firing Vindman Donald Trump Impeachment Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-02-08-at-9.43.07-AM Pelosi Powerfully Denounces Trump For Firing Vindman Donald Trump Impeachment Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-02-08-at-9.42.34-AM Pelosi Powerfully Denounces Trump For Firing Vindman Donald Trump Impeachment Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-02-08-at-9.42.19-AM Pelosi Powerfully Denounces Trump For Firing Vindman Donald Trump Impeachment Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-02-08-at-9.42.06-AM Pelosi Powerfully Denounces Trump For Firing Vindman Donald Trump Impeachment Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-02-08-at-9.41.54-AM Pelosi Powerfully Denounces Trump For Firing Vindman Donald Trump Impeachment Politics Social Media Top Stories