Trump Throws His Own Family Under The Bus During Angry Saturday Rant


President Donald Trump remains just about as self-obsessed as ever as Americans continue to struggle through the crises that he himself has helped exacerbate. On Saturday, he took to Twitter to rant and rave about the supposedly undue negative coverage that he’s gotten in books lately, including a book from his niece, Mary Trump, called Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man. While Americans across the country are continuing to get sick and die due to the Coronavirus and struggling through problems like huge unemployment levels across the country, Trump is obsessing over books about himself.

His tweets about the subject were, unsurprisingly, lie-riddled. He said:

‘About the only way a person is able to write a book on me is if they agree that it will contain as much bad “stuff” as possible, much of which is lies. It’s like getting a job with CNN or MSDNC and saying that “President Trump is great.” You have ZERO chance. FAKE NEWS! Even whether it’s dumb warmongers like John Bolton, social pretenders like Bob Woodward, who never has anything good to say, or an unstable niece, who was now rightfully shunned, scorned and mocked her entire life, and never even liked by her own very kind & caring grandfather!’

There is no conspiracy among book publishers to largely stick to printing books that have negative things to say about the president, although that’s exactly what Trump seems to be suggesting. Not only does CNN peddle “fake news,” but so do book publishers, he seems to be saying — which is absolutely ridiculous. There is no evidence of any sort of plan to largely stick to books with “as much “bad” stuff as possible” about the president. Trump’s suggestion otherwise is nonsense.

Furthermore — it’s absolutely amazing that Trump is calling someone else “unstable.” Trump is the guy who tweets at just about all hours of the day and night about whatever happens to pop into his head, frequently while watching a long stream of television. He’s the guy who has, privately and publicly, threatened countries like Iran, North Korea, and Venezuela — and his father, who he says was “very kind & caring,” was the guy who got sued by the federal government (alongside Donald himself) for discriminating against black people at Trump-branded properties.

Meanwhile, early Saturday, Trump also claimed that ‘Now that Biden’s Polls are dropping fast, he has agreed to get out of his basement and start [campaigning],“in ten days.”’ This characterization of the situation is riddled with falsehoods. Firstly, Biden’s poll numbers aren’t “dropping fast.” Furthermore, Biden hasn’t been simply hiding out at home rather than campaigning in any capacity — he’s simply been avoiding large in-person events due to the threat of the Coronavirus. It’s not some kind of campaign weakness — he’s simply been following very basic public health precautions! Now, the Democratic nominee will be traveling more after Labor Day.

Check out Twitter’s response below:

Screenshot-2020-08-29-at-12.36.01-PM Trump Throws His Own Family Under The Bus During Angry Saturday Rant Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-08-29-at-12.35.38-PM Trump Throws His Own Family Under The Bus During Angry Saturday Rant Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-08-29-at-12.35.20-PM Trump Throws His Own Family Under The Bus During Angry Saturday Rant Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-08-29-at-12.34.26-PM Trump Throws His Own Family Under The Bus During Angry Saturday Rant Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-08-29-at-12.33.58-PM Trump Throws His Own Family Under The Bus During Angry Saturday Rant Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-08-29-at-12.33.45-PM Trump Throws His Own Family Under The Bus During Angry Saturday Rant Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories