Trump Snaps & Flies Into Racist Attack On Kamala Harris


President Donald Trump got right to hurling what seems like just about any insults that he could think of at Kamala Harris, the California Senator who was announced as the Democratic vice presidential pick last month. At a Monday night rally in North Carolina, Trump went on a sexist and racist rant against the vice presidential candidate. He claimed, on the one hand, that “nobody likes” Harris — would he say that about a male candidate? Seems unlikely. During his same belligerent rally speech, Trump also repeatedly seemed to purposefully mispronounce Harris’s first name. Harris, of course, is black; her parents were from Jamaica and India, respectively, which makes Trump’s mispronunciations seem like purposeful racist antagonism.

He melted down, ranting:

‘If our foreign adversaries were devising a scheme to cripple America, they could hardly do better than the Biden-Kamala Harris [campaign]. Remember Kamala? She started at 15, she was supposed to win. Problem was, she went from 15 to 14 to 12 to 10 to 7 to 4. It’s like a free-fall. You know what? People don’t like her. Nobody likes her. She could never be the first woman president. She could never be. That would be an insult to our country.’

So now Trump is acting as though he is somehow in a position to decide which women are “insulting to our country” and which aren’t? He’s a sexist and pathological narcissist. Check out his comments below — the random numbers refer to the polling place decline of her Democratic presidential primary campaign:

As mentioned, on another occasion during the same rally, Trump seemed to purposefully mispronounce Harris’s first name, and he repeated his mispronunciation three times in a row, as if the mere mention of the generally non-white sounding name was supposed to evoke boos from the crowd. The crowd, of course, did boo — they were dedicated enough to Trump to head out for a large in-person event amidst the Coronavirus pandemic, after all. Check out Trump’s brazenly racist belittling of Harris’s first name in the video below:

Trump is wielding this desperate racism while his own poll numbers continue to come up short when pitted against the Biden-Harris ticket. He’s wielded plenty of other desperation, too — he’s tried, for instance, to characterize Biden as somehow okay with violent rioting, which is a glaring lie. Biden has unequivocally condemned violence, over and over again — and besides, current isolated instances of violence are occurring on Trump’s own watch.