Trump Launches Weekend Mega-Rant Demanding 12 Year Presidential Term


On Saturday night, Donald Trump held a rally in Minden, Nevada, apparently fed up with acknowledging that his supporters are risking their lives to pack in together and hear the president say the exact same things he’s sad a million times before. While he stood at even farther than proper social distancing guidelines from the crowd, surrounded by people who are tested every day, his witless, cult-like supporters gazed at him adoringly and cheered for every lie he told.

Screen-Shot-2020-09-13-at-9.12.04-AM Trump Launches Weekend Mega-Rant Demanding 12 Year Presidential Term Donald Trump Election 2020 Featured Politics Top Stories Videos

He began by planting the seeds of dictatorship, as he has done so often before. Not content with the idea of winning another four years in the White House, Trump told his supporters that he’s entitled to at least eight more years.

’52 days from now, we’re going to win Nevada, and we’re going to win four more years in the White House. And then after that we’ll negotiate, right? ‘Cause we’re probably, based on the way we were treated, we’re probably entitled to another four after that.’

Screen-Shot-2020-09-13-at-9.10.27-AM Trump Launches Weekend Mega-Rant Demanding 12 Year Presidential Term Donald Trump Election 2020 Featured Politics Top Stories Videos

Screen-Shot-2020-09-13-at-9.09.04-AM Trump Launches Weekend Mega-Rant Demanding 12 Year Presidential Term Donald Trump Election 2020 Featured Politics Top Stories Videos Screen-Shot-2020-09-13-at-9.09.12-AM Trump Launches Weekend Mega-Rant Demanding 12 Year Presidential Term Donald Trump Election 2020 Featured Politics Top Stories Videos

He led his supporters in booing their own governor, who tried to implement guidelines around COVID-19 to keep them safe. Trump once again brought up protesters, most of whom have been pictured wearing masks and not standing shoulder-to-shoulder with one another, and the “law and order president” said that he can call his rallies protests in order to break the law.

‘The governor of your state-boo-tried very hard to stop us from having this event tonight. He didn’t like us having… They can have riots and they can have all sorts of things and that’s okay, you can burn up the house, that’s okay. We call this a protest because if you call it a protest, you’re allowed to have it. It’s okay. So if anybody asks you outside, this is called a friendly protest, okay?’

Screen-Shot-2020-09-13-at-9.04.46-AM Trump Launches Weekend Mega-Rant Demanding 12 Year Presidential Term Donald Trump Election 2020 Featured Politics Top Stories Videos

No Trump rally, even four years after his first campaign, would be complete without a “lock her up” chant. Hillary Clinton is no longer running for any office, Trump has had four years to have her investigated and put “in prison” as he promised his followers in 2016, but there were still chants of “lock her up” aimed at both Clinton and former DNC chairwoman Donna Brazille (apparently, people go to prison for tipping someone off about a debate question now). Even more astoundingly, Trump tried to tell his supporters that he never wanted the “lock her up” chants because he was trying to be nice. The man led those chants more than once.

‘You know what, I used to stand back and I’d say, “Be quiet, please. Don’t say that. It’s really not nice.” You know it’s true. She deleted 33… Think of it. They’ll never find the emails because they were acid washed, deleted. But you know what? She got a subpoena from the United States Congress, right? And she and her lawyer deleted 33,000 emails after she got a United States subpoena.’

Of course, he had to go over his rival, Joe Biden, although he had spent much more time on Nevada’s governor, Hillary Clinton, and the “fake news” media, and even his criticism of Biden meandered off into a thousand different directions.

‘Sleepy Joe Biden, who surrendered, you know where he is now, he’s in his damn basement again. No, he’s in his basement. He’s in his basement. But I can be bad to him because he put the most vicious ad on television that I’ve ever seen. Do you know what I’m talking about? Where I’m standing over the graves of our fallen warriors, our fallen heroes. These are great people, the greatest people there are, and I’m standing over there and they have some sleazebag reporter from a third rate magazine having some source quoting me saying, I won’t even use the term, but saying bad things.’

For video of the full rally speech, see below:

Featured image screenshot via YouTube