Adam Schiff Officially Designates The GOP As A ‘Cult’


During an appearance on CBS’s Sunday morning news program Face The Nation over the weekend, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) — who is the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee and serves as a member of the House committee investigating the Capitol riot — went after Republicans for their cultish allegiance to Donald Trump. As Schiff put it, Republicans are by and large simply “not interested in governing,” which obviously poses a problem. During the same interview, Schiff also said that he hoped the riot investigation committee would be obtaining certain Trump era documents “very soon,” and he added that the committee is prepared to push for the criminal prosecution of witnesses who defy subpoenas from the panel.

Schiff pointedly commented as follows:

‘We have a Republican Party that is now an autocratic cult around Donald Trump. It is not interested in governing. It’s not interested in even maintaining the solvency and the creditworthiness of the country. And we have to recognize that they’re not interested in governing, and so, we’re going to govern. We’re going to have to do it, and if we have to do it with our own votes, we will do that. But we need to show that democracy delivers. That it can help people put food on the table. That it can address these huge disparities in income.’

Democrats are currently working through the details of a sweeping spending plan that would support what has been termed “human infrastructure,” meaning social initiatives such as child care and care for elders. Although Democrats could technically pass the plan on their own, Democratic Senators including Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona and Joe Manchin of West Virginia have opposed the price tag of that proposal, throwing a wrench in the process. Meanwhile, check out Schiff’s comments below:

Later, asked by host Margaret Brennan when the riot investigation committee would obtain Trump era documents that the Biden administration had recently indicated that it would be on board with releasing to Congress, Schiff added as follows:

‘Very soon, I hope. I applaud the Biden administration for not asserting executive privilege, not trying to, because it’s protecting its own prerogative to deprive the American people of the full facts… The sitting president has the primary say on executive privilege. We also want to make sure that these witnesses come in and testify, and we are prepared to go forward and urge the Justice Department to criminally prosecute anyone who does not do their lawful duty.’

Check out those remarks below: