Trump ‘Faces Enforcement’ Of Huge Financial Penalties If He Visits The U.K., Opponent Says


Christopher Steele, who is known in part for his role in putting together a collection of negative accusations about Donald Trump ahead of the 2016 presidential election that eventually made it to public view (not directly by way of Steele himself), says Trump is in danger of enforcement proceedings covering large penalties if he tries visiting the U.K.

The Trump Organization holds some property in the country, so even without ever becoming president again, Trump might actually have a reason to do so.

“Earlier this year, when he lost his English High Court case against us, the judge ordered Donald Trump to pay Orbis an initial £300k in costs,” said Steele on X, referring to a case in which Trump was trying to get some kind of recompense for alleged impacts from the earlier dossier. “Trump, who claims to respect the UK, has now been in breach of this order for two months and faces enforcement if he travels here again.”

Trump also tried bringing legal challenges in the U.S. that alleged some kind of improper conduct behind the furtherance of Russia-related allegations against him and his campaign, but that court case failed as well, spurring nearly $1 million in penalties on Trump and lawyer Alina Habba.

And John Durham, a former federal prosecutor who when still on the job tried bringing multiple prosecutions that alleged malfeasance amid the Russia scandal around Trump, largely failed. Both of his cases that went to trial — one of which targeted an apparent source for the Steele dossier — ended in acquittals, though Republicans had spent a while extensively hyping Durham’s work.