Joe Kennedy Announces His Guest For Trump’s SOTU & It’s Got Donald Seething

In the comparatively short time that President Trump has been in office, he's managed to lob attacks at a stunning array of interests. He's supposed to be representing the people of the United States,...

Ivanka Trump Kicks Activist Chef Out Of Restaurant & Anthony Bourdain Went Off Hard

Washington, D.C. celebrity chef and activist José Andrés initially blamed Ivanka Trump when he was turned away from a party at Cafe Milano. The upscale restaurant was having an after-party for a political group...

U.S. Rep. Announces Date For Trump’s SOTU That No One Saw Coming – Donald...

The president has barely been in office a year at this point, although for many, it no doubt feels like it's been much longer than that. He's inspired countless demonstrations against the oppressive policies...

War Hero Sen. Duckworth Goes On ‘Face The Nation’ To Humiliate Trump Like A...

It's become clear in the months since Donald Trump took office that millions of Americans can no longer look to the White House for a leader to represent their concerns. Numerous lower level leaders...

Lindsey Graham Makes A Mueller/Trump Statement That Has The GOP In Total Frenzy

The Russia scandal continues to unfold in 2018 whether the president likes it or not, with a vast majority of the media's focus on the revelations about the scandal that continue to trickle out...

Justice Ginsburg Makes State Of The Union Announcement That Has Trump Spazzing

Ruth Bader Ginsburg (RBG) is still sharp of mind and body on the Supreme Court at age 84, and she intends to keep her job for years. She also packs her schedule with other...

Donald Busted Whining That The ‘Trump Justice Department’ Will Not Obey Him

Donald Trump must have skipped his history and U.S. government classes when he was at that expensive military boarding school. Amazingly, the president does not have a basic understanding of how the government is...

Hollywood Actress Says Scott Baio Molested Her On Set As A Child; Baio Just...

President Trump has always attracted a population of supporters who are curious to say the least. He's never made much headway in the entertainment world, with most stars who have made their political convictions...

Trump Attacks Rapper Jay-Z During Early AM Twitter Panic Like A Senile Old Racist

Donald Trump has no trouble taking credit for every economic win that President Barack Obama accomplished. The economy is no exception, but this is getting ridiculous. The U.S. economy is much better if a person...

Trump Claims Credit For Mining Industry Gains, Ignores One Huge Deadly Problem

Since Trump took office, Wall Street hasn't taken a break. The stock market has continued to rally, with -- as the president and members of his inner circle have touted over and over again...

WaPo Reveals Trump Tried To Go Around DOJ To Release Classified Information

Remember when Trump led his rabid fan base in chants of "lock her up" over Hillary Clinton's mishandling of classified emails? As it turns out, classified information doesn't seem like such a big deal...

States Come Together To File Devastating Lawsuit Against The Trump Administration

It's been clear from the very beginning that the president has other interests to look out for than those of the people he is supposed to be representing as president. To that end, since...

Supreme Court Makes Unanimous Ruling Against Trump And It’s Awesome

Before the Trump administration finally found itself able to claim a significant legislative victory because of the tax reform plan in late 2017, the president marked his time in office by presiding over the...

Senator In Trump Obstruction Probe Makes Huge Announcement; It’s Going Down

The Russia scandal continues to unfold as the weeks and months of this new year go on, with Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe making its way closer and closer to the president himself. Recently,...

Trump Flies Back To U.S., Gets On Twitter, & Begins Writing His Racist Ransom...

After Trump embarrassed the U.S. in Switzerland, where he whined about "fake news" and how very badly he's treated as president to an entirely different country who booed him, he came home to be...

Trump’s Divorce Lawyer Makes An Announcement No One Saw Coming & It’s Awesome

The tell-all book Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House set the political news world on fire. Revelations about Trump's incompetence, the leaks inside his own staff that Trump publicly blamed on anyone...

JUST IN: States Band Together To File Massive Lawsuit Against The Trump Administration

It's been clear from the very beginning that the president has other interests to look out for than those of the people he is supposed to be representing as president. To that end, since...

Nikki Haley Makes Trump Sexual Affair Announcement, Melania Facepalming Hard

Donald Trump is a demonstrably immoral person according to basic standards agreed upon by the vast majority of people. For instance, Trump was caught on tape some years ago bragging about his supposed freedom...

Trump Tweets Wildly Stupid Message From Switzerland & Gets Obliterated In Seconds

The president always acts as though things are getting along just fine, no matter how poorly things are really going. He has a public image to protect, after all, and he's willing to dispense...

Trump’s Fourth Quarter 2017 Economic Growth Numbers Are In; Donald’s About To Explode

The president having been in office for over a year at this point means that we can begin to judge the effects of his policies on the economy. He came into office promising to...

Trump Whines About ‘Fake’ News In Davos – Crowd Erupts In Chaos To Protest...

There is no place, no event, no speech, no audience that Trump doesn't see as a good opportunity to whine about how unfairly he's been treated as president. No matter where he is, he...