Senate Bill To Keep Net Neutrality Gets Surprising Vote Turnout; Trump’s GOP Is Furious

Most of the policy moves taken by the Trump administration in the short time that it's been in place have been massively unpopular among the general population, with the nation's leaders seemingly completely uninterested...

BREAKING: Mitt Romney Makes Shocking Cancer Announcement No One Saw Coming

The country is continuing to hurtle towards this year's midterm elections, with virtually the entire Congress set to be reshaped. Democrats need to pick up about a couple of dozen seats in the House...

Leak Reveals Heated Off-Camera Exchange That Led To Stephen Miller’s Escort From CNN

The fireworks were not over after CNN host Jake Tapper cut Donald Trump's senior adviser, Stephen Miller, off in the middle of his rambling and sucking-up rant about his boss. Tapper had to cut...

BUSTED: Russian Lawyer Ruins Ivanka’s Monday With Show-Stopping Criminal Revelation

The political world was rocked last summer when it came out that Donald Trump Jr. and other top Trump staffers had met with Kremlin-connected lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya in Trump Tower in an effort to obtain...

Trump’s Legal Team Pulls Desperate Move To Stop Mueller’s Interview With The Donald

Special Counsel Robert Mueller can hardly resist interviewing Donald Trump. Certainly, the president's attorneys have been preparing for that possibility. It seems, though, that Trump's people have been trying to avoid a far worse...

Trump Jr. Attacks Oprah On Twitter After Powerful Golden Globes Speech Touched Millions

The truth hurts. That is what Donald Trump Jr. has been finding out. The media have been performing as well as they did in the days before President Richard Nixon's Watergate. Yet, rather than face...

ACLU Makes Massive 2018 Midterm Announcement That Has Trump On Wig-Out Watch

The country continues to limp along towards the 2018 midterm elections, with Democrats going into the election with a clear advantage over Republicans. Currently, according to RealClearPolitics, Democrats are leading Republicans by an margin...

JUST IN: Trump’s Shady New Mar-a-Lago Guest Leaves Democrats Shocked & Angered

The president, while serving as leader of the country, has also maintained his private life as an influential, even if toxic, social figure. In that light, even though precedent demanded that he completely separate...

Bannon Issues Pathetic Apology To Trump Family After Devastating Release Wolff Book

Last week, what's proven to be an incendiary book came out. Called Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House, Michael Wolff's book has sent the Trump team scrambling for cover, with an array...

Trump Live-Tweets About Tapper’s Morning Takedown Of Stephen Miller & It’s Hilarious

The president, even though he is supposed to be representing the interests of the entire nation as its leader, routinely does not do so, instead promoting his own no matter what the cost. This...

Jake Tapper Humiliates Stephen Miller On CNN Sunday – Trump Responds Immediately

President Trump prefers to surround himself with those who are completely sympathetic to his cause, no matter what baggage might come with them. Considering that, it's unsurprising that conservative upstart Stephen Miller still has...

Trump Goes On Wild Sunday AM Rant About Ronald Reagan Like A Know-Nothing Fool

The president is never one to shy away from praising himself if given the opportunity, and in the process of praising himself, he has long proven himself willing and ready to throw essentially any...

Trump Just Requested A Copy Of An Unreleased Movie Be Delivered To The White...

Chief of staff, John Kelly, has a terrible time getting the president into his office by nine A.M., and then he is reportedly back in bed by 6:30 P.M. making phone calls and watching...

Trump Goes Bonkers, Tweets Directly At News Reporter & The Internet Roasted Him Hard

The president, when it comes down to it, is relentless in his efforts to prop up his public image. If a news organization makes a mistake, in his world it's suddenly indicative of the...

Embarrassing New Details Leaked About Donald’s Hair – President Trump Humiliated

This week, a new book came out from author Michael Wolff detailing life inside Trump world. Called Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House, the book has sparked an intense response from the Trump team,...

Republicans Band Together To Demand AG Jeff Sessions Resign In Shame

The Russia investigation is, of course, continuing despite the Republicans’ many efforts to put an end to it. The president went so far as to fire the head of the Russia investigation last year,...

JUST IN: Eric Trump Floored By Saturday Mueller Investigation Surprise

Somehow, Eric Trump has managed to stay out of the attention around the Robert Mueller investigation into Russia interfering in the U.S. 2016 presidential election. This in spite of him heading the Trump family...

BREAKING: Ivanka Trump Devastated; Team Mueller Investigation To Begin

No matter how furiously that the president and his allies attempt to put an end to the Russia investigation, it's continuing to move forward, with Special Counsel Robert Mueller having so far charged four...

Steve Bannon Hysterically Cries Like A Little Baby & The Internet Is Going Crazy

This week, the political world became consumed by the purported revelations about the Trump Administration contained in a new book from Michael Wolff called Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House. That book contains an...

Trump Has A Live Mental Health Collapse In Twitter Rant That Could End A...

Trump is described as "a man whose many neuroses included a horror of forgetfulness or senility" in Michael Wolff's new book, Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House That quote is becoming more...

Embarrassing New Details Leaked About Donald’s Hair – President Trump Humiliated

This week, a new book came out from author Michael Wolff detailing life inside Trump world. Called Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House, the book has sparked an intense response from the Trump team,...