BREAKING: FBI Told W.H. The Nunes Memo Was Full Of Lies Before Its Release


Republicans, as led by the president, remain undeterred in their efforts to discredit the ongoing Russia investigation. In that vein and with the president on their side, House Republicans have lately been calling for the release of a four page memo compiled by GOP House Intelligence Committee leader Rep. Devin Nunes, who’s been under scrutiny to the point of having to recuse himself from the Russia investigation because of his work to essentially try and discredit it.

Now, even though in the minds of many he’s long been discredited, Nunes has produced a four page memo alleging abuse of power at the Justice Department for the purpose of targeting the Trump team.

Part of Nunes’ motivation for pursuing info that supports such a claim is the president’s debunked claim to have been wiretapped by the Obama team. Nunes’ memo details supposed politically biased processes that led to certain parts of Trump’s inner circle — not including him — being put under surveillance.

That’s not the end of the story, though.

Nunes’ memo, at this time, remains classified, and although the House Intel Committee voted along party lines to make it public earlier this week, there remains stiff opposition to the allegedly itself wildly biased memo being made public.

Among the opponents of the memo’s release is Trump appointed FBI Director Christopher Wray, according to Bloomberg.

Wray was allowed to see the memo earlier this week, and he now opposes its release because it supposedly “paints a false narrative,” according to Bloomberg.

Wray has reportedly informed the White House of his opinion on the matter, but it’s not clear how much weight, if any, that will have on the White House’s pending decision about whether or not to release the document.

Wray’s agency is not “included in the inter-agency review process led by the White House aimed at deciding whether — and how much of — the memo can be made public,” according to Bloomberg.

Trump seems himself dead set on making the memo public, having been caught on camera telling a lawmaker that he’s “100 percent” for its release after his Tuesday night State of the Union address.

Featured Image via Alex Wong/ Getty Images