It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that arming school teachers in rooms full of children is not a viable solution to the issue of mass shootings, but it does take a celebrity to get the facts behind that criticism out to more than seven million Twitter followers in one fell swoop.
All of the reasons Trump’s “let arm all the schoolteachers” solution is insane are accurate, but Jackson’s is truly eye-opening when picturing the scene of a class shooting. A teacher would not only need a gun in a room full of children who are panicked, he or she would need a gun equal to the weapon the shooter carried (in Parkland, Florida, it was an AR-15) and would be forced to use it during a moment of chaos and end the shooter’s life on their first try to avoid possibly hitting a student, or getting killed and leaving all of the children not only with no defense, but no guidance in keeping themselves safe.
All of the points spelling out the problems with Trump’s proposal should be considered when addressing the president’s attempts to sell more guns to teachers and schools (even offering them a federal tax dollar bonus to go purchase one):
‘While it won’t help bring Trump to his senses (if he has any), here goes: teachers have overwhelmingly stated that they do not want to carry guns in classrooms with children, four trained armed guards did not prevent 17 people from dying or 13 from being wounded at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida and did not serve as a deterrent to the shooter, common sense gun reform laws have worked in every other developed country, schools are not the only places where mass shooters attack and children go places besides just schools, and mass shooters are not deterred at the thought of losing their own life (very few have ever walked out of a mass shooting incident alive, anyway).’
However, Jackson’s tweet gets right to the heart of the problem. Teachers are not soldiers. It’s unclear what kind of job seekers a proposal like Trump’s would attract and whether or not there really is any kind of training that would prepare an educator to respond to a crisis like a mass shooting. Trump’s solution is no solution at all, and Jackson’s tweet simply points out that fact even more clearly.
Twitter responded in full force:
Featured image via Getty/Marcus Ingram