Activist Finds Brilliant Way To Protest Trump Train Wreck With Massive $1000 Billboard


There are so many ways to protest the criminality of and lack of leadership in our country. If people do even one small thing, they can change the world. One man from the Bronx had a brilliant idea.

Screen-Shot-2018-08-23-at-8.15.42-AM Activist Finds Brilliant Way To Protest Trump Train Wreck With Massive $1000 Billboard Activism Corruption Crime Donald Trump Politics Top Stories

Neil Harrison decided to pay for a New Jersey anti-Donald Trump billboard. The activist paid about $1000 to put up the advertisement featuring a huge descriptive photo of POTUS.

The billboard went up a day after the president’s former personal attorney and self-described fixer pled guilty to eight federal crimes. Simultaneously, a jury convicted Trump’s former campaign manager of eight serious crimes.


Harrison’s billboard read in big bold letters:

‘Our Leader The Idiot.’

Beneath it in smaller yet substantial lettering:

‘A New Film Coming Soon.’

The last line read:

‘2 Faced 2 Years 2 Long! #OurLeaderTheIdiot’

Harrison is producing a documentary entitled Our Leader The Idiot. Yet, the activist noted that more than publicize his movie, the billboard was all about making a statement on our commander-in-chief. News 12 New Jersey reported that Harrison said:

‘(Former chairman of the Trump presidential campaign, Paul) Manafort was convicted.  Cohen’s giving up everything he can, and we’re hoping that Trump is next. Basically that’s what we are out here for. I’m an activist and that’s what I do. And we’re trying to drum up some real support here.’

Why did Harrison place his billboard in New Jersey rather than New York City? The answer was simple. The big apple does not let people put up political billboards.

Check out this News 12 New Jersey video interviewing the creator of the billboard brainchild.

Featured image is a screenshot via YouTube.