Rachel Mitchell, the Maricopa County, Arizona sex-crimes prosecutor that was brought in to question Christine Blasey Ford in front of the Senate Judicial Committee was just busted as the complete and utter fraud that she is.
When Mitchell questioned Dr. Ford, she came across as a kind, seemingly impartial party who was just there to make Dr. Ford feel more comfortable and she did a pretty convincing job of it.
We can now be sure that she is far from being impartial, as Ms. Mitchell was seen by Huffington Post reporter, Laura Basset, just one day after the hearing having drinks with several members of Judicial Committee Chairman, Senator Chuck Grassley’s staff. Replying to a post on Twitter, Bassett claims:
‘She was laughing and tossing back beers with Grassley’s staff at Union Pub on Friday. She knows who she works for.’
Would a “reasonable” prosecutor weigh in on the viability of a case without a police investigation? https://t.co/YXe4k2vI2Z
— Melissa Jeltsen (@quasimado) October 1, 2018
The parent tweet refers to a 5-page memo that Mitchell sent to Republicans on the Judiciary Committee that stated a “reasonable prosecutor” would not prosecute Judge Kavanaugh, Trump’s SCOTUS pick and the man who “allegedly” assaulted Christine Blasey Ford. Twitter user Melissa Jeltsen’s tweet begs the question:
‘Would a “reasonable” prosecutor weigh in on the viability of a case without a police investigation?’
We think not, and Laura Basset is right. Rachel Mitchell definitely knows who she works for.
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