President Donald Trump’s U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh continues to face serious and credible allegations of sexual assault. Just because Republicans have ranted and raved doesn’t mean those stories have suddenly vaporized.
Republicans surely aren’t going to quit with their ranting though. This Monday, Kentucky Republican and U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell insisted that there would be a full floor vote on Kavanaugh’s nomination this week.
He ranted:
‘The time for endless delay and obstruction has come to a close. Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination is out of committee. We’re considering it here on the floor and… we’ll be voting this week.’
To be clear, then, McConnell takes credible stories of sexual assault as little more than “endless delay and obstruction.” Thanks for nothing, Mitch — the American people will remember this moment when your party is up for re-election across the nation this November.
McConnell is hardly the only one to prove angry at those concerned with protecting sexual assault victims. South Carolina Republican and U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee member Lindsey Graham, for instance, has explicitly cast the whole ordeal as a Democrat-driven scam.
In the meantime, the FBI is carrying out an investigation into the allegations against Kavanaugh. Trump was pressured into ordering one thanks to Arizona Republican and U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee member Jeff Flake, who set a chain reaction in motion of Republican Senators insisting they wanted an investigation before they’d cast a final vote in Kavanaugh’s support.
There were initial reports of the White House limiting the scope of that investigation before a report came out from The New York Times insisting that the agency had finally been given free rein — so now we wait, until no later than this Friday.
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