Adam Schiff Goes On ‘CBS Sunday’ & Makes Trump ‘Jail Time’ Announcement (VIDEO)


Is it possible that Donald Trump might resign his presidency before Mueller has an opportunity to prove he was involved with Russia? After all, there has been no disagreement that Putin attempted to place him in office. Could the commander-in-chief take a trip to meet with his buddy, Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia, and just stay? He would expect to be treated like a king, but how would they really treat him, on a permanent basis? Given that an important member of Congress believes the man sitting in the Oval Office could end up serving time, and if the choice was Russia or jail, which would Trump take?

Chair of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence beginning on January 3, 2019, Adam Schiff (D-CA) felt that Trump’s own Department of Justice (DOJ) “may indict him:”

‘.@AdamSchiff on the Russia Investigation: My takeaway is there’s a very real prospect that on the day Donald Trump leaves office the justice department may indict him. That he may be the first president in quite some time to face the real prospect of jail time.’

Screen-Shot-2018-12-09-at-10.37.48-AM Adam Schiff Goes On 'CBS Sunday' & Makes Trump 'Jail Time' Announcement (VIDEO) Corruption Crime Donald Trump Mueller Politics Robert Mueller Russia Top Stories

Schiff appeared on CBS’s Face the Nation and said that, although it has been a long time since any president faced jail time, the idea was not impossible:

‘There’s a very real prospect that on the day Donald Trump leaves office, the Justice Department (DOJ) may indict him. That he may be the first president in quite some time to face the real prospect of jail time.’

The representative continued, saying that the next president might pardon Trump, as President Gerald Ford pardoned President Richard Nixon:

‘We have been discussing the issue of pardons the president may offer to people or dangle in front of people. The bigger pardon question may come down the road, as the next president has to determine whether to pardon Donald Trump. I think the prosecutors in New York make a powerful case against that idea. All the arguments they make against Michael Cohen … that argument was equally made with respect to Individual-1, the president of the United States.’

Screen-Shot-2018-12-09-at-10.38.07-AM Adam Schiff Goes On 'CBS Sunday' & Makes Trump 'Jail Time' Announcement (VIDEO) Corruption Crime Donald Trump Mueller Politics Robert Mueller Russia Top Stories Screen-Shot-2018-12-09-at-10.38.23-AM Adam Schiff Goes On 'CBS Sunday' & Makes Trump 'Jail Time' Announcement (VIDEO) Corruption Crime Donald Trump Mueller Politics Robert Mueller Russia Top Stories Screenshot-at-Dec-09-08-59-12 Adam Schiff Goes On 'CBS Sunday' & Makes Trump 'Jail Time' Announcement (VIDEO) Corruption Crime Donald Trump Mueller Politics Robert Mueller Russia Top Stories Screen-Shot-2018-12-09-at-10.39.00-AM Adam Schiff Goes On 'CBS Sunday' & Makes Trump 'Jail Time' Announcement (VIDEO) Corruption Crime Donald Trump Mueller Politics Robert Mueller Russia Top Stories

Screen-Shot-2018-12-09-at-10.39.35-AM Adam Schiff Goes On 'CBS Sunday' & Makes Trump 'Jail Time' Announcement (VIDEO) Corruption Crime Donald Trump Mueller Politics Robert Mueller Russia Top Stories

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