Trump Tweets Utterly Ridiculous, Embarrassing Video & Gets Laughed At


Within hours of making the formal announcement that he would be declaring a national emergency over the supposed crisis at the southern border, President Donald Trump was back to tweeting nonsense.

Friday afternoon, he — or someone manning his account — posted a video montage of Democratic members of Congress looking downtrodden during his recent State of the Union address with the R.E.M. song “Everybody Hurts” playing over it all.

Watch below.

The video also singled out Republican and newly elected Utahn U.S. Senator Mitt Romney… because apparently, while seeking to literally wall off an entire border with a major ally, keeping old feuds going is one of the most important things for the president to be doing.

The video doesn’t even make him look that good, considering while only taking less than three minutes from his speech, it includes “high” points like him seeming to take credit for population growth via touting the high numbers of people in the workforce like an accomplishment.

The edited video came from Twitter user “Carpe Donkfum,” who shares many such creations — including one apparently recent one where he altered a clip of someone pulling a gun in some kind of old-timey Western environment to look like Trump was confronting members of the media including prominent CNN reporter Jim Acosta with a literal gun.

In the audio for that clip, Trump was trying to explain away some of the self-contradicting components of his immigration policy to Acosta.

This Friday, he made good on his longstanding threats to use a national emergency declaration to get billions in dollars in already appropriated government funds to go towards his long-sought border wall blocking off Mexico despite the fact that there is no crisis at the border of the sort that he claims. It’s just not there.

Confronted with the facts that his own administration has released about actually low crime associated with undocumented immigration during his Friday press conference announcing the “emergency,” the president dismissed the numbers as wrong with no immediately apparent tangible basis outside of conjecture.

In other words, he’s completely gone into his racist, egotistical fantasy.

Check out Twitter’s response…

Screenshot-2019-02-15-at-3.04.41-PM Trump Tweets Utterly Ridiculous, Embarrassing Video & Gets Laughed At Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2019-02-15-at-3.04.16-PM Trump Tweets Utterly Ridiculous, Embarrassing Video & Gets Laughed At Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2019-02-15-at-3.03.54-PM Trump Tweets Utterly Ridiculous, Embarrassing Video & Gets Laughed At Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2019-02-15-at-3.03.30-PM Trump Tweets Utterly Ridiculous, Embarrassing Video & Gets Laughed At Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2019-02-15-at-3.03.09-PM Trump Tweets Utterly Ridiculous, Embarrassing Video & Gets Laughed At Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories

Screenshot-2019-02-15-at-3.06.38-PM Trump Tweets Utterly Ridiculous, Embarrassing Video & Gets Laughed At Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories

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