Trump Disrespects Queen Elizabeth While Bragging Like An INCEL


Donald Trump is known for his outrageous boasts, displays of which range from fake Time magazine covers featuring him at his golf courses to having won the presidential election by the biggest margin ever (he didn’t even win the popular vote) to lying about his inauguration attendance being the biggest crowd ever (it wasn’t even close).

Lately, he’s moved on to bragging about how much Queen Elizabeth loves him. After having dragged his entire family, two who work for the Trump administration plus three sons, a daughter, his son’s wife, and his other son’s girlfriend, all who vacationed on the taxpayer’s dime, Trump whined on Fox & Friends about the unfair negative coverage he got, but lied about what the criticism was about.

‘I have such a great relationship, and we were laughing and having fun. And her people said she hasn’t had so much fun in 25 years. Then I got criticized for it because they said we were having too much fun.’

He wasn’t criticized for having too much fun. He was criticized for milking taxpayer dollars for a family vacation and promotional visit for his businesses. The Irish prime minister had to turn down requests to meet for a press conference at a Trump golf resort, especially when Trump didn’t intend to do any official business in Ireland.

Trump continued, though, to brag about his relationship with a queen who has met with every U.S. president who’s served in her lifetime.

‘I feel I know her so well and she certainly knows me very well right now, but we have a very good relationship also with the United Kingdom.’

The queen’s people have told reporters that they wouldn’t comment on whether or not Queen Elizabeth enjoyed Trump’s visit, because they can’t. If she says yes, she’s admitting to liking the racist, misogynist, liar-in-chief. If she says no, she offends the fragile ego of the current thin-skinned president. Trump said he wouldn’t speak for her on whether or not she likes him, but he’s continued to speak for her ever since.

‘Asked by British television personality Piers Morgan if he got the feeling she liked him after that visit, Trump told Morgan: “Well, I don’t want to speak for her, but I can tell you I liked her. So, usually that helps. But I liked her a lot.”‘

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